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Most of the time when people want something they usually get it. But not me...most of the time, when I want something great to happen to me, it doesn't. In my free time I'm always questionning myself about "why things never go my way". Its been 14 years and I still never been able to answer to that question.

Love, a small word that could mean the world to someone...a word nobody will ever feel for me. You probably ask yourself "bro she never dated anybody, nobody ever liked her?". Yes, I already dated 2 guys.The first one in kindergarden. His name was oliver, one day his family moved in another city so I never saw him again.I wasn't really sad because I never really loved him.The other one was micheal. We were together in 4th grade. He broke up with me in front of the whole school.I never loved any of them, I only wanted attention. They were both always angry, sexist and ugly.Thats why I am not sad.

I am afraid I will end up alone. Just like my mom. Every time I was a bit interested in someone, they were not. Everytime I tought the person liked me back, they were not. Sometimes I believe it is because I am not pretty enough. But I remember it is only because of my personality. I am always soooo loud and laugh at anything. I look bitchy and mean when I'm resting my face. I have too much pride and I have anger issues. I keep trying to see what is wrong with me. Why nobody likes me? Why am I unloveable?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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