Chapter 48: Homework

Start from the beginning

It was a quick that got her. Fast and short, making Hina, our best receiver, drop to her knees, diving for it, but not making it in time.

I don't even stand there to watch her get up. I show her nothing but skill. I don't cheer in this gym. I don't gloat in this gym. I don't feel in this gym. I just play.

"Aimi," Hina growled, knowing she can't get to me. But so easily she can get to her.

I won't let it happen, "Aimi," I call, "You told me you control this court. Remember?"

The ball is up, the ball is served, practice goes on. Until coach calls us all in.

We sit in a circle around her as she starts, "Our qualifiers are right around the corner. Our last chance to make it to nationals. Some of you, for good. That means I need every player playing at their best. That means, no more trying to tear each other down. You don't all like each other, fine. I don't expect you all to be giggling together at sleepovers."

Please no more sleepovers.

"But I do expect you to play together. So you can win together. We were close last year. This year I think we can do it. Win it all, if and only if, we only together. So take this net down and clean this gym, together. Move."

"Yes coach," we all say.

No early escape for me. I have to wait until the whole gym is clean before I can go next door.

I rush over to the joys gym, trying to out run the cold. I fall right into line, for drills while the coach went over a binder with an assistant coach.

No one really seemed to notice me sliding into the gym. Not until it was my turn to hit, and Bokuto was there to receive it. Making an over dramatic shake of the arms as if waving off a sting before winking at me.

I duck under the net and joined the receiving side as the drill demanded. "Damn Baby Bird," Bokuto laughs, "Don't have to hurt me."

"Shut up," I laugh, cracking a smile for the first time in the past 2 hours. He probably noticed how my face was still straight from my own practice. Showing no emotion, so unlike the Baby Bird he knows.

Once I receive my first hit, I hear coach, just as frantic as the first time he saw me in here. "Who are you?"

I stood up, looking to the coach and before I had to say anything he said, "Oh, Z. Nice hair. Proceed."

And we did, for a few minutes. Until the gym door opened and team if giants came pouring in. Our drills stopped, balls fell as we watched them. No one was under 5'10. And for the first time since I've come to Japan. I feel short.

"Ah yes, team meet your rivals today, from the local university," Coach smiled, as if he didn't just announce our death. "Team A on the court. Z, you'll be routing in."

"What? Coach, I can't."

"You can and you will. You'll be going to play with NCU in a few weeks, under my recommendation. You will not make me or this school look bad. Got it!"

"Yes coach," I say, stepping off the court.

I stand beside him as the teams get set up. He waits for the ball to be served before he says to me, "I don't ever want you here that from you again."

"Yes coach," I nod, watching the power plays on the court.

"Child, you will have people doubting you every day of your life. Never make it easier for them by doubting yourself. It's weak, and you are not weak."

"Yes coach," I nod again. He's right. I'm not weak. If I were, I would have ran from this gym the moment coach asked me who I was.

I would have ran from my gym the moment Hina proved to me that we were no team.

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