Chapter 46: End of the Beginning

Depuis le début

Kaldur: "(Y/n), this may take a few hours. You're more than welcome to wait, but-"

(Y/n): "It's fine, Kaldur. I have a stop to make."

(Y/n)'s POV:

I watched Kaldur, Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman enter the conference room. Black Canary came up to me and gently placed a hand on my shoulder.

Black Canary: "M'gann mentioned what happened. She didn't give any details, she just said you may need to talk. I'm ready whenever you are."

(Y/n): "Thanks, I think I'll call soon and we can set up a time to talk. I'm still processing everything, Ellie, the marine captain... I need to see her parents."

Black Canary: "I can't imagine how hard that's going to be."

(Y/n): "I... I'm not sure if I'll be strong enough to get through the whole thing without crying."

Black Canary: "It's okay to cry. There's nothing wrong with it."

(Y/n): "Please... please promise me you'll go easy on Zee. She's lost so much... even the thought of losing someone comes close to breaking her."

Black Canary: "I... I'll do my best to stick up for her."

(Y/n): "Thanks."

As Black Canary turned and walked into the conference room M'gann and Gar (Beast Boy) came over to me.

It just hit me that Qurac was where Gar grew up. It was the only home he had before his mother was killed by Queen Bee. He's lost both his homes. First the Cave and now his mothers ranch.

(Y/n): "Gar... I'm so sorry. We tried to stop them, we fought as hard as we could."

Garfield: "I-it's okay. There wasn't much left there for me anyway. Queen Bee... she's a plague. She needs to be stopped."

M'gann: "We will bring her to justice. It's just going to take time."

I wanted to comfort Gar but there are some things I need to do. I've got to visit Ellie's parents before the marine corp delivers the news.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry, but I have to leave. I'll see you two later."

M'gann: "Goodbye (Y/n). I-I'm so sorry about Ellie and we're here for you, the entire League is as well."

(Y/n): "No, they weren't."


*Small Time Skip*

*Dallas, Texas*

Ellie's parents lived in a small house in Dallas. It's quite nice and has a small garden out front and is in a nice neighborhood of the city.

I walked up the stone walkway just as two marines dressed in their dress uniforms knocked on the front door.

I fixed my watch so it was visible and adjusted the badge clipped to my belt. About a minute after the marines knocked on the door a man and a woman opened it. By the sad look in their eyes they knew Ellie was gone. They'd seen the invasion on the news and somehow just knew their daughter was gone.

Ellie's mother broke down crying as the marine passed the folded flag to her husband.

Mr. Taylor: "Who... who are you?"

(Y/n): "Agent (Y/n) (L/n). I'm with the Strategic Homeland Division. I-I was with Ellie when it happened."

Mrs. Taylor: "H-how did our girl die?"

(Y/n): "That doesn't matter, it was quick and she didn't suffer. She died a hero, she helped save so many lives. Your daughter was one of the bravest and strongest people in the world. She didn't think twice about putting herself in danger so others wouldn't have to. I may not have known her for long but I can tell you she was a great leader and a better friend."

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant