Chapter 3: Turn Them Into An Item

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Hachimitsu, Shikimori and Izumi all devised a plan on how to make their friends Inuzuka and Nekozaki closer.

"Alright, let's start with attempt one." Hachimitsu began.

ATTEMPT 1: A Bit Of A Push

"Shikimori, Izumi, you both have to push both of them while they're talking to each other. That way, we can get an accidental hug from them and that will at least get them slightly embarrassed." Hachimitsu devises her plan.

While changing classes, Inuzka and Nekozaki were coincidentally standing next to each other while having a conversation, waiting for the teacher.

"Hey, Inuzuka. Did you catch the new Chainsmokers album?" Nekozaki began,

"Yeah! It was so good. Probably in my Top 10 albums of all time."

"You got that right! So what's your favourite song?"

"Hmm, I like all of them. But the one that stands out is Cyanide!" An excited Inu replies.

"Eh? iPad was the best track on the album!"

"No, it's Cyanide!"




While all of that was happening, Shikimori and Izumi go up behind them and push them towards each other, but unfortunately managed to catch themselves before they go for an accidental hug.

"What the hell are you guys doing!?" Inu and Nekozaki questioned in unison.

"N-Nothing!" The couple both replied at the same time.

"Well that was an L." A defeated Hachimitsu concluded.

PHASE 2: Scare Tactic

"We all know that Inuzuka is scared of snakes, right? So the plan here is to leave a fake snake so he can suck up to Nekozaki while he gets scared.

"W-Wouldn't that not work? Also where did you get the toy snakes from!?" A confused Izumi questions.

"That's none of your business, Izumi." Hachimitsu concludes.

Nekozaki and Inu go on to have lunch in the rooftop as they were waiting for the rest of the gang. waiting for the rest of the gang, who were trying to make them a thing.

The three hide next to the wall the two were sitting in with toy snakes Hachimitsu provided, and waited for the perfect moment.

A/N: They were there first after all effectively agreed they would be having lunch at the rooftop.

"What's taking those guys so long?" A confused Nekozaki questions.

"I don't know, maybe they were trying to get Hachimitsu out of the chair because she seems to be getting a bit bigger!" Inuzuka starts cracking jokes, effectively pissing her off.

"Hey, don't talk about Hachimitsu that way!" Nekozaki defends her friend and starts pouting.

Hachimitsu overhears this, effectively pissing her off.

Then, the three throw the snakes next to them, effectively scaring Inuzuka

"Ahhh! Oh shit!" Inuzuka freaks out as he runs away, which made the plan fail.

"Pfft, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Nekozaki starts laughing. "That is the greatest thing I've seen all week! You should've seen the look on your face!"

"Oh shut up! Th-They're toy snakes, anyway. And who the hell did this?"

"Well that was an L." Hachimitsu sticks out her head expressing disappointment.

"Ha-Hachimitsu!? What the hell were you doing there?" A confused Inuzuka replies.

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