Chapter 1: The Signs

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It was your typical day at a certain highschool somewhere in Japan, where the extremely beautiful Shikimori Micchon walks with her extremely clumsy boyfriend, Izumi on their way to the classroom.

They then spot Hachimitsu, the alien-like lazybone of the group, just standing there with nothing but a simple smile that doesn't change...

"Ah, good morning, Hachimitsu-san!" The couple greet her.

"Oh, good morning lovebirds. What a fine morning it is, today."

"L-Lovebirds!?" Shikimori and Izumi both reply in unison, while they both blush in embarrasment.

"Yui! You can't call us that in the public eye! It's embarrassing!" Shikimori begs to Hachimitsu, while squeezing her soft and fluffy cheeks.

"Yeah, Hachimitsu-san! People might hear you." Izumi replies, backing his girlfriend's claim while still being embarrased.

"Wut? Bot yuu too flurt all da thime. Everywun knows u too r daything" Yui replies, while being squeezed by the cheek, as if food was stuffed in her mouth.

"Still, Yui! Don't call us that!" Shikimori-san replies, still embarrased by her words.

Then, out of nowhere, two people ran as fast as they can on the way to the classroom the three were standing at, at full speed.

It was Shuu Inuzuka and Kyo Nekozaki having a race to decide who was the fastest of the two, with Nekozaki winning by a close margin.

"Damn it!" Inuzuka replies, "I was this close to beating you, Neko!"

"And the Classroom Race Queen strikes again!" Nekozaki cheerfully celebrates her win. "You owe me a soda!"

"Ugh, fine. But I'll beat you next time, just you wait!" Inu replies, still trying to catch his breath.

"Wow, you two are as lively as ever." Shikimori points out.

"Yeah, it's as if you two are siblings!" Izumi compliments them. "Always at odds, trying to best each other out!"

"Hm? Oh, good morning you guys!" Nekozaki greets the three. "And yeah, maybe we do act like siblings. But I'm the better one! Ain't that right Inu?"

"What!? Hell no! I'm the better one!"

"How are you the better one? I just defeated you in a race towards the classroom!"

"You cheated! You got a headstart!"

"How was that a headstart!? You were just being a slow poke!"


"Now now, you two. It's better if we don't start the day screaming at each other." Izumi pleads as he tries to break up the argument, while Shikimori lets out a nervous laugh.

"Y-Yeah...sure." Inu replies, with a slight blush.

Hachimitsu, who was standing in the middle of this fiasco, notices that Inu was showing a slight blush and looks at her intensely as Nekozaki shows a beaming bright smile while Hachimitsu tries to read his body language.

And then it hit.

Yui snaps her fingers and proceeds to pull Shikimori and Izumi away.

"Shikimori, Izumi, come with me."

"E-Eh? Yui? What do you want?" A confused Shikimori replies.

"Ha-Hachimitsu-san? Where are you taking us?" A baffled Izumi also questions her actions.

"Just come with me."

"H-Hey, where are you guys going?" A confused Inu asks.

"Nowhere. I just need to talk to these two flirties."

"F-Flirties!?" Shikimori and Izumi both reply in unison, shocked by what Hachimitsu just said.

Awkward silence dawns in for both Nekozaki and Inu for just a few seconds...

"Hey, you still owe me a soda." Nekozaki jokes, breaking the silence.

"Oh shut up!" An angry Inu replies.

"What? It's part of the bet."

"Fine, I'll buy you one during lunch, for god's sake..."

"Yipee!" A happy Neko replies with a big smile on her face.

As Inu looks at her, his cheeks go red.

'A soda isn't enough for me to describe how I feel for you, Neko.'

Meanwhile, Hachimitsu brings the couple near the bathroom, as she has something important to say.

"Yui? Is there something you want to tell us?" A confused Shikimori-san questions.

"Y-Yeah, is there something you wanna ask, Hachimitsu-san?" Izumi was also confused.

"Well, it's about Inuzuka and Nekozaki."

"Hm? What about them?" Shikimori-san replies, as she was confused.

"Well Micchon, as they were standing next to each other earlier, Inuzuka went silent after Izumi told them to stop fighting. And he was looking at her as his cheeks went red." Hachimitsu begins explaining. "So in conclusion..."

"Inuzuka has a crush on Nekozaki."

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