Chapter 2: Instances Of Affection

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"Eh!? Inu has a crush on Nekozaki!?" Both scream in unison.

"Yes. I can totally see that our friend Inuzuka has been laying his eyes on her. He has to be falling for her." Hachimitsu concludes. "Also, there are more instances to this than you might think..."

Hachimitsu later begins to list the instances where Inu shows some sort of affection to Nekozaki



"Just a few days ago, we had a cooking class where both of them were partners. Nekozaki accidentally cut herself so Inuzuka gave her a bandage to stop the bleeding."

"Ow!" Nekozaki shouts as she accidentally makes a cut on her finger while chopping onions.

"Tch, tch, tch. Nekozaki, you have to be careful at times like this. Otherwise something bad might happen to you." A worried Inu calls her out. "Here, I have some bandages."

Inu carefully puts a bandage around her finger to stop the bleeding.

"Here, good as new."

"Wow, you're actually a pretty decent person, Inu!" A cheerful Nekozaki credits his hospitality. "Thanks for your help! I appreciate it!"

"Y-Yeah...n-no problem." An embarrased Inu replies, blushing from the compliment.


"Remember when Nekozaki suffered an injury while playing volleyball? Inuzuka helped her walk to the infirmary."

"Ah!" Nekozaki yelps, as she accidentally twisted her ankle after a jumpshot, shocking her friends and everyone inside the gym.

"Neko-chan! Are you okay!?" A worried girl asks.

"Oh no, this doesn't look good." One replied.

"Is she gonna be okay?"

"That was a bad fall, oh my days..."

"That's gotta hurt..."

Suddenly, Inuzuka appears to lend a hand towards the vulnerable Nekozaki, who was in pain.

"Nekozaki, come on, I'll get you to the infirmary."

"Y-Yeah. T-Thanks for your help, Inu. God damn, this hurts like ass." Neko replies as he grabs Inu's hand trying to show a smile, but couldn't as she bears the pain.

"N-No problem."

As he helps her walk to the infirmary, Inu carries her by her shoulder and shows a slight blush as he was walking next to her, helping her get treatment.

"She also had to spend three weeks using crutches after that." Hachimitsu added.


"And remember the time all 5 of us managed to get the limited-edition ice cream from Baskin Stone after standing infront of a long, grueling line where I almost passed out from the heat? Neko accidentally dropped her ice cream after losing grip of it. So Inu gave her his."

"Noooo! My ice cream!" Neko looks in horror after she drops the long-awaited dessert she was supposed to enjoy.

"My, my. What a shame..." Shikimori replied, feeling bad for her friend

"Oh my, I'm sorry Nekozaki, I feel you on a personal level, like, literally..." Izumi replied, remembering the time he dropped over 20 ice creams in his whole life.

"I fweel bud for yuu..." Hachimitsu replied, while stuffing the ice cream in her mouth.

While mourning her ice cream, a sympathetic Inu offers her his, obviously feeling bad for her.

"Hey Nekozaki, here."

"W-Wait, Inu! Your ice cream? I can't take it. We all waited in line for that!

"Nah, I don't want it. I kind of just lost my appetite if I'm being honest, and I do feel bad for you. So here, t-take it." An embarrased Inu offers.

"I-I mean...sure. Thanks, Inu!" Neko shows a soft smile, making Inu blush and look away.

"N-No problem..."

What he didn't know was that Shikimori, Hachimitsu and Izumi were standing behind them, with smug faces while Hachimitsu was still as emotionless as ever.

"Aww, how generous of you, Inuzuka!" Izumi playfully teases him.

"Oh, shut up!" Inuzuka talks back while Nekozaki couldn't help but be amazed by the taste of the new limited-edition ice cream.


"Wow, I never thought Inuzuka-kun of all people would have a crush Nekozaki-chan." A surprised Shikimori comments.

"Yeah, but they do make a good couple." Izumi added. "They both like video games, they're total sporties and they're both energetic. I mean, they're perfect for each other!"

"Not as perfect as us, dear Izumi..." Shikimori has now switched on her cool mode and brings herself closer to Izumi.

"Sh-Shikimori-san!? What are you doing!?" An embarrased Izumi still couldn't handle the smooth talk his girlfriend gives him. "T-This isn't exactly the right time to be-!"

"Oh, really? Fufu, well you aren't ready for what's next..." Shikimori playfully teases him, almost making him pass out.

"You know I'm still here right?" Hachimitsu interrupts as she points out her existence.

"We forgot!" The couple screamed in unison.

"A-Anyways, what should we do about it, Hachimitsu-san?" A curious Izumi asks.

"It's simple..." Hachimitsu begins as she puts on her iconic detective costume.

"We just need to do certain things to help our boy, Inuzuka get closer to Nekozaki. I call it...Operation: Raining Cats & Dogs. It might sound a bit underwhelming, but you get the idea." Hachimitsu concluded. "So, who's with me?"

"I'm up! Gosh, I've always wanted Inu to have his own love story!" Izumi excitingly joins in.

"Well, sure. I'm going to put my differences aside with Inuzuka-kun, for once." Shikimori reluctantly agrees to help.

"What, is it because you thought Inu was a rival for Izumi's affection?" Hachimitsu points out.

"N-No! It's not like that, okay!?" Shikimori angrily pouts. "I was just...confused because of how close they were!"

"Haha, don't worry, Shikimori-san! Me and Shuu are just friends! Nothing to worry about. He's like a brother to me!" Izumi reassures her while Shikimori was still pouting.

"O-Okay...whatever you say, Izumi-kun...

"Okay, let's do this." Hachimitsu wasted no time, "Operation: Raining Cats & Dogs has commenced. For Inu."

"For Inu!" Shikimori and Izumi reply in unison.

'I still don't want you close with Izumi, Inu!' Shikimori thought to herself.

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