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 He was back, in the glade. "How?" He was back but that couldn't be he was just about to be attacked? 

Still rattled and unbelieving he cautiously took a step forward into the bright green grass he remembered from earlier. 

There was even still an indent in the grass from where he landed. 

Although he felt safer, his mind was racing, still very confused about how he got there. 

He concluded it must have been some type of magic. 

He knew that magic existed, but never experienced it or even saw it at work. 

He had made potions and enchant gear, but never real magic. Nothing like this. 

Confused where it came from he looked around for anything or one that could have teleported him, he couldn't have possibly done it, magic was something he had hardly known what it was, much less knew how to perform the words or actions to do something like that.

He saw nothing different than when he left the glade earlier. 

He was still trying to think of some kind of explanation when he collapsed onto the soft grass. He relaxed realizing how exhausted he was, if only he could just rest for just a few minutes...

Something wet woke him later that afternoon. Something licking him? 

Startled, he bolted up to see an all-white dog licking him. 

The first sign of civilization since he woke up in the middle of the forest with no memory. 

I thought of hope came across him as the friendly dog stayed by him. 

He called the dog a bit closer, reaching out to pet it when he found that it had a collar on. 

This dog belonged to someone, so there had to be someone close right? 

Maybe the dog's name will trigger some memories, maybe I know this dog. 

It can't be mine right? I don't think I had a dog.

Reaching for the collar, Ranboo read the name Floof. 

"Floof? Well, no triggered memories, I wonder if I ever knew this dog'' he thought. 

"What person names a dog Floof, he must belong to a child, not my dog,'' he thought as he continued to pet Floof. 

He let his hands get lost in the white fluff of the dogs as he distracted his mind from his current situation. 

After a moment the dog started to sniff the air. 

Seeming to find something he started walking away from Ranboo towards the forest. 

For a moment Ranboo debated whether or not to follow or stay in the peaceful glade. 

As Floof began into the brush Ranboo decided that this dog might be the only way to find his way out of the woods. 

He followed Floof through the forest hoping that the dog would lead him to something, someone good. 

At the very least the dog was a much needed companion to the terrified amnesiac...

After some time of wandering the forest together, Floof came to a stop at a small stream where he started drinking. 

Realizing that he too was thirsty Ranboo sat down to drink as well. 

Kneeling down to the water he was greeted by a terrifying site. 

His hand froze half away from scooping up water as his eye focused on the water's reflection. 

He didn't remember his own appearance when he woke up, but what he saw reflected back at him was horrifying. 

He wasn't sure what he expected; he did recognize his own face. 

His ears looked gauntly, long and pointy at the end and almost horizontal to his face, reminding him of a goat. 

Each ear had two gold rings snuggly fit to his ear, while the right had an additional earring of a short gold chain attached to a turquoise crystal. 

The color reminded him of someone, regretfully he couldn't remember who. 

Next he noticed his face which was split down the center half black and the other white with specks of the other color on each side. His lips were an ash gray speckled with black. 

Then came the eyes, he first noticed how eerie and off putting they were. 

They seemed to softly glow in two different colors, one red and the other green. 

The pupils were almond shaped. Distraught from his eyes he looked to his hair, with the same color spilt as his face. 

Taking a closer look he found two small horns sticking out; they were both light gray and only about two inches off his head, but they distributed him in the way they were pointed at the ends.

One of the horns had a gold ring around it that resembled a tinny crown. 

It even had red and green jewels embedded in it. 

Taking in every part of his face he was disturbed by what he saw. Was this him? 

Has he always looked like this? He kept going back to the eyes, nothing about him was human like but the eyes were especially freakish. 

He was still transfixed on himself when he heard barks. 

Finally diverting his attention, he looked up, there was Floof, done with drinking, barking at a tree. 

Alarmed he was worried another incident would occur, reassuring himself at least he would be back in the peaceful glade. 

Before he could think too much about what might be provoking Floof a squirrel came into view, and it became obvious to Ranboo that it was this small rodent that caused the uproar. 

This time he was more annoyed than he was scared. 

Rebuking, Floof Ranboo muttered, "I thought you would help me find something useful, but I think you'll give me a heart attack first."

 As he finished speaking Floof stopped barking and turned around, looking right at him just like he understood. 

Floof lost interest in the squirrel and started sniffing around. 

Ranboo was tempted to look back at the water, but Floof drew him away from the water, back to wandering in the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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