Lose Control

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         It wasn't a perfect day to begin, but it could have been great.

 Waking up late Tubbo had already left, by the time Ranboo finally got up to make breakfast. 

For Michael, he made his favorite fluffy pancakes, with a side of eggs and home fries. 

Saving a small stack of pancakes for his husband, Ranboo went on with the tasks ahead of him. 

He had some yard work and cleaning up to do.

Not his favorite but it needed to be done. After he planned to spend some time mining.

He wanted to get some gold to make Michael an adoption day gift.

It was a peaceful day, very rare, but Ranboo was glad for a break from the seemingly never-

ending chaos that was L'Mandburg and the surrounding world. 

As he walked through town to get to the mines he thought he heard a voice muttering behind him. Although never there when he turned around, the voice was persistent. 

Even getting louder as he went. 

Confused he just kept going thinking at worst it was Tommy playing a trick on him.

Once he got to the mines he stopped for a minute to look down the deep and dark shaft.

 Probably a million times he had ventured down into the dark abyss that was the entry to the mines without a care, he loved the mines. 

He could spend hours there working away. 

For the most part, Tubbo didn't mind; he understood that he needed to be alone sometimes, plus they were always rich because of it, and Ranboo started to become a good craftsman using the materials he found to make beautiful gifts for him and Michael.

But today seemed a bit different. 

Ranboo kept looking over his shoulder just to make sure, the voices had gotten softer, but he was still paranoid that Tommy or whoever was playing this trick on him, would be right behind.

 After a minute Ranboo realized that relief wouldn't come he started the trek into the now ominous chasm.

It only took a few minutes of mining for the eerie feeling to leave him, letting him fall back into the blissful rhythm that made this his favorite activity.

He spent longer than normal that day in the mines, enjoying the peacefulness of it. 

When he did eventually venture back above-ground he was met with a rainbow-streaked sky. 

Seeing the beautiful colors he decided to go to his favorite took out to watch the rest of the magnificent specter that was the blush and blend of fiery red, exotic oranges, and shocking yellows mellowing into rich blues and regal purples. 

Content with this beautiful end of the day Ranboo heading home anticipating seeing his husband finally.

He made it about halfway home when the voices returned. 

It wasn't sudden, but like listening to the rain start slowly on the roof eventually devolving into a thunderous clamor. 

They were almost yelling now, but still, he couldn't understand what they were saying, the language seemed familiar like a distant memory forgotten with time.  

It almost annoyed him that he couldn't understand the seemingly familiar ramblings. 

Not just that but everything in this situation started to anger him. It was a combination of fear and aggravation that made him start to spiral. 

He started by muttering, then tried to converse with the voices, until it devolved into a full yelling, and pleading with the voices to stop. 

Stopping with his home insight he knew he couldn't go home like this, he couldn't let Tubbo see him like this. 

He couldn't scare their son.

 He instead took the trail into the woods hoping he could calm down before returning home.

Wondering for a bit his curse only got worse. 

It was so sudden, what was happening to him? 

He tried to think of anything that could have caused this to happen. 

Unable to think straight now, the only weird instance before this was the nightmares, and night terrors that he had ever since he could remember, his first memories woven with these vivid tortures that kept him up.

 Something that has tortured him for so long couldn't be the reason for this new affliction, right?

  Developing more and more into chaos, Ranboo ventured deeper into the forest. 

Wondering and losing track of time, he couldn't tell how much time had passed,  Whether minutes or hours, he couldn't tell. 

Soon he came upon a clearing with a single tree in the center. 

He thought he was very familiar with the forest, but this was new. 

Slowly all of his focus narrowed onto a tree in the middle of a clearing. 

The screaming in his head dulled, taking a backseat when he entered the clearing. 

It wasn't tall, unlike the rest of the dark towering oaks in the forest. 

Still, it doubled his tall height. 

The trunk was thin but its bark showed its many years. Its branches were numerous and filled with leaves simply oval-shaped, colored a bright shamrock green. He slowly approached the tree, very wary of it. 

Still wary of it he ventured closer as the voices in his head dimed, finally letting his brain relax- although now he was totally mesmerized by the tree. 

He was just a few steps away, slowly he inches towards it watch fixated on the vibrant, glowing leaves till he was only an arm's length away; reaching out to touch the closest leaf Ranboo felt a hint of skepticism but ignored it for the tree seemed to bring relief from his loud head. 

Two things happened as soon as he touched the leaf. 

First a bright light. The point of connection seemed to glow, then burst into blinding light.

Instantaneously the light, and everything else, disappeared into total darkness...

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