Chapter 6: Do not provoke Undertaker

Start from the beginning

"Maybe, but from now on, Miss Fox will be the only one who can touch Undertaker. What an honor that is, isn't it miss fox?" He said still looking Jason in the eye, seeing him hold back his anger. Taker wanted to see where he could go so he gets angry. Diana couldn't help smiling; Taker seems to like his massages. "To tell you the truth, Taker, it's an honor to massage and be in the presence of someone like you." She says honestly continuing to massage him then Taker looks at her. "How come 'someone like me'? someone stronger than that idiot?" he asked, reaching out and pointing at Jason who was the jerk he was talking about. Diana doesn't look at what he shows, still concentrating on Taker's back.

"I mean, I noticed that even though we haven't seen you in the arena yet, your presence is already being felt. It's impressive." She said noticing this little detail, Taker was going to answer her when Jason can't stop closing his mouth and suddenly gets up, he doesn't believe in his eyes that everyone doesn't see Taker's comedy , he's not hurt, he was doing this just to piss Jason off by provoking him. "He's lying! His back isn't hurting! He was fine a few minutes ago!" Said Jason shouting, even more able to hold himself back. They all look at Jason, Larry washes his hands while Diana continues massaging Taker's back.

"Sir, we are here to take care of the health of the wrestlers, Mr. Taker had back problems, so I don't think he does it on purpose." Said Larry knowing Taker well. Taker raises his upper body and puts his weight on his arms, looking at Jason puzzled.

"You take me for a liar now? So I'm not polite, I'm a liar, what else? you want my health record too? I count how many operations I had? how many injuries in 9 years of career? you don't know me very well, my boy." Said Taker looking at him dangerously but with a mocking gleam. He lay down when Diana pressured his back to lay him down.

"I don't know what you're playing but you're going to lose." Said Jason confidently, not afraid of Taker as he laughed at his comment, not believing what he just said, he laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes. Jason clenched his fists. "Me? lose? you dream big!" Said Taker laughing, Jason wants to take the chair behind him to crush it on his head so violently that he will be identified by the dental imprints. Larry seeing that they were beginning to have tensions in the room, decided to propose to Jason to leave the room by the time the massage was over. "Yeah go out! and let the big bad undertaker relax!" Said Taker provoking him one last time before Larry closed the door behind them. Taker decided to relax again, he rested his head on his forearms.

"Does it make you feel good?" She asked seeing him falling asleep. Taker turns his head enough to look at her. "I'm on cloud nine. you have super soft hands." He said in a small, tired but dark voice, she smiled at his compliment and continued the massage. "So you've had a lot of injuries, haven't you?" She asked referencing what he said about his injuries, Taker nodded. "Oh yeah, I've had so many I don't know how many. I almost lost my eye to some jerk who was out of shape and who's in my Ministry right now." He said thinking back to that moment, he remembers the night the doctor told him that if there would have been another hit on his face, he would have lost his eye. "Oh my god, really?" She said surprised, Taker laughed and nodded again. "Yeah but don't worry, it takes more to break me." He reassured before she smiled and finished the massage.

Taker stands up, puts on his shirt, and stretches his back and arms. He takes Diana's hands before kissing them. "Thanks for the massage, Miss Fox." Thanked Taker.


At the end of the show, Diana and Jason went back to the hotel, Jason started having a drink while Diana went to the bathroom, took a good shower, she closed her eyes. She thinks back to her job which she loves, she loves being in the WWF. It's a very different environment from the hospitals she often worked in. She just hopes Jason stops teasing people at work because I don't think they're going to laugh with him. After her shower, she puts on her pajamas, and Jason watches her and drinks his beer. wanting to know if Taker was flirting with her. "What did he say to you after I left?" He asked trying not to get upset but she looked at him curiously, not knowing what he was talking about.

"What? I..." She didn't have time to finish her sentence when Jason got angry and grabbed her by the hair, holding her firmly. "Was he flirting with you or not?! it looks like you're flirting with him too and IN FRONT OF MY EYES!" He shouted thinking that his own fiancée was flirting with Taker and besides, she didn't say anything about Taker's provocation, not even defending her fiancé. "No...please...don't hurt me..." she begged crying. "I do not believe you !" He screamed before punching her in the face, he put his strong hand against her neck, and she could hardly breathe. "Please... Please... Do... D... Don't hurt me..." She tried to speak despite her cough and lack of oxygen due to from the hands of her fiancé but He didn't hear anything, enraged by what she said... She slowly loses consciousness... Her eyes become heavy and her vision is blurred...

Jason lets go of her neck but it's too late... She lost consciousness... He gets out of bed, calms down and checks his pulse. When he found one, he breathed a sigh of relief, running his hand over Diana's face. Did I go too far? he wondered.

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