Act I: Chapter 1

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"Have you heard? Have you heard? They say the fiance of the second prince- Count Margarita's firstborn! They say she has guaranteed Obelia an alliance with the new republic of Siodonna!" Hannah read from a newspaper she clasped impatiently.

Lilian pushed up her bonnet to take a closer look at the newspaper. Sure, she had snuck out of her mansion but she still wanted to understand the latest news. If her father had anything to do with it, she would not learn of such news until weeks after the fact. Even though she had two older brothers, an older sister and a younger brother, her father still seemed to have enough time to scold her. Sometimes, it was horribly tiring being from a traditional noble family. In that way, she envied her best friend and commoner, Hannah. It was only in the rare instances that she snuck out that she would be able to see her and read about the latest news.

"My... that's quite shocking- the revolution only occurred maybe... around a week ago, right?" Lilian muttered, "I remember very well how much of a commotion it caused."

"Less than a week, Lily," Hannah corrected, "It was five days ago."

Lilian laughed, "Right...I wasn't so sure of the exact time."

Hannah always had such a precise memory- sometimes it would creep Lilian out a little. More importantly, Lilian had briefly met Count Margarita's daughter when she was around six years old during a tea party. Her impression was that she was the definition of what her own father expected Lilian to be. Polite, well-mannered and cultured. What really surprised her was the fact that the girl was already mastering ancient Atalantan which Lilian found much too difficult considering she was having trouble with just her etiquette classes. It seems like the Count's daughter was truly headed for some sort of success.

Lilian glanced around the streets of Obelia's capital- all were chatting like the world depended on it. She could hear mutterings of the same words incessantly- "Count Margarita's daughter", "Penelope Margarita", "Siodonna."

It seemed to Lilian that the whole of Obelia was talking about Count Margarita's daughter. It didn't seem like it would stop either- hearing the praise for that girl made it seem like she had become a beloved symbol of Obelia already. Obelia relies heavily on Siodonna for spices and fabrics which both were high commodities in Obelia and helped flourish the Obelian economy so trade with Siodonna was essential. That mean't being in Siodonna's ruling government's favor was essential and Penelope had just bridged ties that would have been previously lost without her contribution.

"Though the princes were mentioned, the new republic of Siodonna heavily praised lady Penelope Margarita for being an essential part to the beginning of the revolution and new republic," Hannah read blissfully, "Don't you think that's just lovely, Lily? I can't believe a girl actually made an impact."

"Yes, i'm very impressed with her," Lilian said rubbing her chin, "It makes me wonder what she is like nowadays."

"I'm guessing you've met her before," Hannah grinned.

Lilian nodded, "When I was young. She was very talented in terms of education which isn't very common even with noble women."

"Oh... How lovely! She sounds so lovely," Hannah put her hand to her cheek, "Such an admirable girl, isn't she? And the fact she's the same age as us girls..."

"Yes- Well,...Don't mind me as I head back," Lilian finally said walking away from Hannah. Hannah quickly turned her attention back to Lilian, "Already? Didn't you say your father would be gone until the evening?"

"Yes... but I don't want to risk it since it's already past noon," Lilian said, "It was nice seeing you, Hannah. I'll try to send a letter the next time I can come!"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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