Act I: The Prologue

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The moment of time in between the singularities that showcase themselves is an odd occurrence. But even more so, is the strange affliction one gets in the moment of love. Penelope was told that one day she too would experience it, afterall she was a lady. A dignified lady that would grow up to be proper and well mannered. Penelope was a smart girl after all, so she'd understand what her dearest papa and mama were talking about. She'd surely understand. What sort of thing they were implying to her, she'd surely understand. But when they actually brought it up to her, she was bewildered beyond her dreams.

"It's about time you go ahead and tell the girl," Mrs.Margarita insisted to her stark faced husband. Her husband shook his head vehemently, "Penelope may be smart but she is still immature and unknowing. It is not wise to tell her or even bring it up."

Mrs.Margarita furrowed her eyebrows roughly and put her hands on her hips. She pat her husband on the back a little too harshly, "Dear, do not swaddle the girl! My Penelope is as smart as an adult would be like! You would know if you spent any more time with her!"
Mr.Margarita looked aghast, "What are you suggesting I do?"

"Exactly what I've been telling you to do! Your plan is useless without Penelope so, it's all useless if you do not tell her it!" Mrs.Margarita explained.

Mr.Margarita took a long sigh before sitting himself down on his velvet red armchair. He fiddled with his thick thumbs for a little while before finally moving his watchful eyes to a portrait of Penelope in the room. He examined her eyes as if he were a hawk. Her eyes were a vivid green like himself, gradiently going from a darkish green to brighter color. But what was more noticeable were how graceful and mature she looked. Calm and gentle, with eyes that looked wise beyond her years. He had known for quite a while that she wasn't exactly like the other children of her age. Penelope was a very peculiar young girl after all, she preferred staying indoors, studying proper manners and her own education. Really, the only child-like thing about her was her love for beauty and material things. (Though those traits are also commonly seen in adults also)

Maybe, Mr.Margarita thought to himself, maybe he did not realize that Penelope had grown up so much. He smiled to himself a little, feeling inside that he had been bested by his wife. Mr.Margarita took his wife's hand and kissed it gently, "It seems, as always, your judgment is best, Irene." His wife smiled knowingly before nodding and caressing his face gently, "Well, of course. That's a given."

Penelope silently put down a book she had been reading intensely for the entire morning. She had initially expected it to be a masterpiece of a book but, the latter half turned out to be quite disappointing and she decided to abandon the process before any more disappointment. She sighed again, she really had high hopes for it. Her favorite genre was mystery, she loved the appeal of solving a case and the thrilling conclusion where all the questions were finally answered. Though Penelope was no good when it came to actually solving the cases in the various mystery novels she would read, she loved watching genius heroes find it all out. The book she had been reading was in the mystery genre.

Penelope looked towards the wall-high bookcases that surrounded her in the room called the library. Her personal library had been given to her a few years ago when she was at the mere age of five. Her parents gave it to her knowing how much she adored reading but what they didn't know was that most of the time she spent in the library was dedicated to reading fiction rather than anything educational. It wasn't like Penelope was failing her studies, her tutor said she was quite an intellectual for her age and often praised her in front of her parents. She didn't like when her tutor, Mr.Conroy, would do that at all. It created expectations from her parents for her; it made her feel like she had to be a certain way so as to not let them down.

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