Heros need help too

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The anxiety was going to kill him at this point. It was hard to come to this decision, especially after what happened during the Quirk Apprehension Test. He was almost expelled, but Aizawa-sensei decided to let him stay at the last minute, he could tell that the man was serious (the way he stared at him as if he was talking to him specifically). If Izuku had decided to continue with what he was doing before and had broken his arm then Aizawa-sensei would have expelled him right then and there, despite what Yaoyorozu claimed. Izuku had done research on UA-it was All Mights Alma Mater after all!-and had come across the expulsion records held by one Aizawa Shouta aka Eraserhead along with the many complaints that parents had left about him.

Izuku held no ill will towards his sensei, he just didn't want to teach people who didn't put in the work to be heroes and only half-assed it (he wanted to call him out because he didn't say anything to Todoroki who had only used his ice when he obviously had another part to his quirk, but his anxiety took over). He didn't want to be seen as someone who was slacking off because he needed to be a hero and even heroes needed help sometimes, so he hoped that his homeroom teacher (he didn't seem as bad as other teachers who ignored when he was hurt and scorned him when he tried to be something other than a Deku, he had stopped Kacchan after all and none of his past teachers had done that, so he must be different!)...he really hoped that he would offer him some help after he poured his heart out to him.

He swallowed nervously, placed his hand on the wooden door and knocked twice. He breathed out to attempt to calm his nerves. Please be nothing like my last teachers.

"Come in." The tired drawl of the voice behind the door made Izuku's flight sense act up, but he steeled himself and slid the door open, peeking his head in. He made eye contact with his sensei and flushed. The man sighed and waved him in. Izuku shakily maneuvered himself in the man's office. "What brings you here, Midoriya?"

"A-ah, um, I-I jus-just wanted t-to cl-clear up a miscon-conception about m-my quir-quirk." Izuku stuttered out, rubbing the back of his head anxiously. (He wondered if he could actually do this, maybe Aizawa-sensei would be just like his last teachers who never believed in him, who never allowed him to flourish, but he stopped Kacchan from attacking him and no one ever has ever done that). Aizawa-sensei raised an eyebrow at him. Izuku, misunderstanding his teachers' facial expression, turns red and immediately starts waving his hands around erratically. "Wait! I-I'm not tr-trying to give a-any e-excuses or-or anything!"

"Just spit it out, Midoriya." Aizawa-sensei rasps out, looking like he rather be anywhere but here. (Although, Izuku could see the concerned glint in his eye that proved him otherwise and that helps him build his resolve). Izuku looks down at the ground, wringing his hands together, trying to gather the courage to just blurt out what he needs to say.

"Th-The thing is, the reason why I can't control my quirk, I just got it. Like, really recently. Like not even for a whole month." Izuku says quietly, fidgeting slightly. He peeks up to take in his sensei's reaction. The man is frozen, eyes widened slightly in what looks to be shock which makes Izuku wince. Then Aizawa-sensei clears his throat and attempts to gather himself.

"Please give me an exact date as to when your quirk came in." His sensei inquires, sounding contemplative. Izuku tries to steel himself for the next reaction, wondering what Aizawa-sensei was thinking. (Would he expel Izuku if he told him the truth?)

"The day of the entrance exam."

Aizawa-sensei grows silent. Izuku rubs a thumb against his backpack strap, letting the texture ground him as the silence after the bombshell he dropped continues on after nearly 45 seconds.

Aizawa clears his throat when Izuku counts to nearly 60 seconds of silence. "I suppose that is a fairly good reason to not have control over your quirk. I'll have to inform the other teachers about this, so you could get set up with a quirk counselor if you don't already have one and you'd have to either stay behind or come in early for quirk control. I think it is better that you don't use your quirk in any of the hero training classes until you can use it without harming yourself."

And Izuku, Izuku stares at the man in shock. This is the first teacher, the first adult (besides All Might, but a tiny voice in the back of his mind says that he doesn't count) that hasn't scorned him or pushed him away, someone that actually wants to help him. He tries to stop it, but he tears up anyways, looking at Aizawa-sensei with hope and uncertainty. "You...You're not going to expel me?"

Aizawa-sensei looks at him, scrutinizing him, trying to look for something. He must not have found what he was looking for because he softens, not enough to be noticed, but just a little.

"Of course not," He sniffs, picking up the paperwork that he was looking at earlier and shuffles it into a semi-neat pile, before placing it on a clean corner of his desk. Aizawa-sensei peeks at him from the corner of his eye, before glancing back down at it. "You have potential, I would hate to see it wasted. Also, I apologize for how I treated you earlier."

Izuku doesn't know what to say to that, he really doesn't. No one has ever believed in him nor apologized to him before, except All Might (and that was only after he proved his worth to him and even then he only said that Izuku could be a hero with his quirk). Sure, he and Aizawa-sensei got off to a rough start but that was only because Aizawa-sensei was working off of what he thought was an accurate assumption and he can't really fault him for that.

The only thing Izuku can do is give his sensei a wobbly smile and thank him. Aizawa-sensei grunts in acknowledgement, tells him he would give him his new schedule tomorrow and sends him on his way.

Izuku leaves with an enormous weight off of his chest (even though he didn't exactly tell the whole truth about his quirk) and a big smile.

Aizawa, alone in his office, groans and mentally berates himself for not checking his students' files the day before.

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