Primarch Arturius Imperia - Illuminated Son -

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That is all, loading chapter of the * - Illuminated Son - *

"Fugimus, non Alien,
Sana Leprosi,
Comitatu Simplex...
(Shun not the Alien,
Heal the Leper,
Educate the Naïve...)"
-- Codex Mores et Specimina, auth. Primarch Arturius Imperia

Arturius Imperia, formerly known as the Draco Imperatus of the Regnum Dracones, is the Primarch of the Steel Wyverns Legion of Space Marines, second of the twenty sons of the God-Emperor of the Imperium of Man. Also known by the epithets of the "Dragon of the Emperor," the "Imperishable Son," and "Secundo Imperatus" to those who live in the 5,000 worlds of the Imperius Provincia.

Held by most in the modern Imperium as a sort of Messiah, the Illuminus Primas, revered and worshipped by the Cult Imperialis being second only to the One-and-Only true God-Emperor, the Ecclessiarchy had dubbed the Dragon of the Imperium as "Angelis Illuminus," meaning "Angel of Illumination." The Cult Imperialis teaches all in the Imperium of Man that the Second Son will avenge mankind of the betrayal that the Nine did upon the God-Emperor and shall rid humanity of its evils and sins, remaking the human race into what the God-Emperor has always wanted them to be.

A being of both Wisdom and Power, being second to only his Father in Warp powers and raw strength, and a being who wields an unknown amount of the dreaded and mysterious Necrons' C'Tan shards at his disposal. Keeping them in underground vaults spread across the Imperius Provincia or the "Regni Immortalis Draculi." Such power made many weary of the Primarch, even the emperor feared his own 'son.'

Many have called the Dragon mysterious, secretive and to a few, rebellious, one such trait that the Primarch and his Legion have is the wearing of their helms at all times. Arturius is many things but a rebel he is not, his loyalties are with his Father, the God-Emperor, and the Imperium. He wields many lore and sciences in his mind, using his intelligence, he formed a stellar empire capable of rivalling the Imperium of Man, this realm had many worlds which were inhabited by the mostly avoided Eldar and the unknown Dawi. Many of the historians of the Imperium called this realm by many names and titles, "Domain of the Serpens," "Imperium Minor," "Domum de Scientia et Veneficia," among others but it is commonly called the Imperius Provincia.

The Imperius Provincia, being the second of two sectors of the Milky Way forged by a Primarch and had its own personal army, that being the famous Regni Excercitus, being constructed from the roots of the ancient Federal Army of the old Federation of Cities on Serpens Prime. Over the ten millennia since the disappearance of the Imperius Provincia, the Imperium of Man have noted the training regime of the Excercitus with a few Imperial Guard Regiments partially or fully implementing the regime into their training. Of these regiments, the most notable of these regiments is the Arteroreos Free Men Regiment, famed for having discipline and experience only rivalled by that of the Catachan Jungle Fighters and the Death Korps of Krieg.

Though the Free Men Regiment is not the only surviving remnant of the Imperius Provincia and the Angelis. The "Ultimum Praesidio," having glory and fame rivalling that of the golden companions of the God-Emperor, the Adeptus Custodes, the Ultimum Praesidio is a group of 100 men who uphold the ideals of the Angelis as well as being the only ones capable of using the same biotechnology and biomancy which the original guard of the Angelis used to create one of their own, the Draco Domini, through the contingent of five members of the former Domini who were ordered to defend the God-Emperor by the Angelis. They stayed by the God-Emperor's side till upon his entombment to the Golden Throne, they swore to continue their orders of protecting the Emperor, though not in vain. These five Domini went to create the Ultimum Praesidio, having authority on par to that of the Custodes, the Praesidio are renowned for being one of the best warriors in the Imperium of Man but they are also known to being the most adept at diplomacy with alien races, as rare as they may happen. The original 5 Domini have continued to stay inside of the Imperial Palace, rumors say that they reside inside the Sanctum Imperialis, where they stand as sentinels ever vigilant in their watch to keep their liege's Father protected until his prophesied return.

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