Primarch Arturius Imperia [Old Lore]

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"Arturius. His power in the Warp and his resistance to the Aura of any magnitude is unbelievable, the only other in the galaxy that I know of that is like him is that of our Father's... I both fear and love him, his strength is second to none of the Primarchs, and his Adeptus Astartes Legion... I have no words to the power and technology they wield, though few compared to their cousins, they are powerful... capable of even rivalling the Adeptus Custodes themselves..."
-- Primarch Horus Lupercal speaking with his Primarch brothers

Arturius Imperia, also known as the "Dragon of the Emperor", the "Imperishable Primarch" and to his Legion as "Immortal Father," is the Perpetual Primarch of the Steel Wyverns of Space Marines, and strongest of his Primarch Brothers as well as the "Left Hand" of his Father, the God-Emperor.

A man of both Wisdom and Power, being second to only his Father in Warp powers and raw strength, and the one being who wields ALL the C'Tan shards at his disposal. Keeping them in underground vaults spread across his "Unyielding Systems" or the "Realm of Immortalis Draco." Such power made many weary of the Primarch, even the emperor feared his own 'son.'

Many have called Arturius, mysterious, secretive and to a few, rebellious, one such trait that the Primarch and his Legion have is the wearing of their helms at all times. Arturius is many things but a rebel he is not, his loyalties are with his Father, the God-Emperor, and the Imperium.

His gene-seed has mutations of Pariah and Necron DNA, making all of his sons and himself powerful in the Warp, not even Magnus compares to the Warp power that Arturius has. The God-Emperor once said that if Arturius consumed the C'Tan shards he had then his powers in the warp would be unrivalled and he would acquire powers not even the God-Emperor could ever hope to wield.

Primarch Arturius Imperia with his Dragon, Ignis Vermis, and his Personal Guard, the Draco Domini

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Primarch Arturius Imperia with his Dragon, Ignis Vermis, and his Personal Guard, the Draco Domini

When the Horus Heresy occurred, it was Arturius who held off thousands of daemon hordes and even fought Horus, Angron and Magnus, at the same time, with the assistance of Ignis Vermis and with his Steel Wyverns Legion, Arturius halted the advance of Horus upon their father but Magnus had the whole realm of Arturius, his Legion and his Flotilla be sent to the Warp, where he had resided for 10 millenniums until his return in the 41st Millennium.'


The Primarch of the Steel Wyverns is adored and vilified by the people of the Imperium, his adoration is second only to that of the God-Emperor, amongst the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes in the 41st Millennium he is regarded highest in both honor and respect.


The Primarchs are transcendent beings, wielding a portion of the sublime and unknowable in their blood. All the traits of strength, speed and power in the Adeptus Astartes are greater in those of the beings which they get their gene-seed from, the Primarchs. Though coming from human roots, the Primarchs are far more than the average man.

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