Chapter 5: Day Out

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Following the events of yesterday night, I now had a day planned with Satomi.

The first girl's number I have acquired...

Eiichiro told me that's a big thing, so I guess I achieved something great.

I woke up to a message from her in the early morning, she said if we could meet up at around 11:30AM at a near by shopping mall.

Of course, I saw no problem with this and told her that it sounds good.

I had relayed the news to Matsuo as well over the phone last night after she left. It went something like this...

"Kiyotaka is going on his first date already? My, I truly feel like a proud father." He laughed over the phone.

"I don't know if it can be called much of a date. I'm just trying to be nice and buy her that gift for her little sister."

Matsuo immediately responded. "Don't think of it just like that my boy, you said you saved her from a potential rape attempt, women see that as very important. Who knows, maybe the girl is planning to also treat you to something?"

"Well, we'll see. One way or another she was very grateful and appreciative of me offering to help and even said she owes me herself. so I'll presume she will eventually express her appreciation in return some how." I told him.

"Yes, just take it slow and steady."

I sighed, "Stop talking like you're trying to help me out with a relationship problem please."

Went something like that.

Right now I had about 2 hours until I was meant to meet up with her. Guess I'll decide on an outfit now rather than later.

I noticed my phone was getting notifications, to my surprise it was just Nendou and Kaido arguing over something stupid in the Group Chat we created.

Nendou was obviously the most active there, constantly sending comedic videos and asking things — Kaido was the same as him.

Ichigo was semi active, he came on like a regular person, not on constantly but not away for very long either.

Me and Hachiman were of course the least active on there, but I made an attempt to talk as much as I can, doesn't seem like he does though.

It makes me wonder since I'm meeting a girl today; will one every closely join our friend group?

I'm ignorant to things such as friend groups so it's still weird to call it that, but I've noticed in our school there are many different groups.

Some groups are very gender simplified, only being one gender. Others can be mixed with both genders.

Aside from the gender split groups, there is also the so called stereotype groups, such as the popular girls, athletes, geeks, etc.

It was interesting to see how split people are to their own demographic.

Sort of reminds me of my question on Equality.

Right now isn't the time to get philosophical though.

The mall we were meeting at was actually a good 15 minute walk for me, so I left at a reasonable time and made my way to the meeting spot.

I messaged Satomi to tell her I had left and she said she was leaving now too.

She told me to meet near the Horse statue.

I had no clue where that actually was because I hadn't actually been to the mall yet, only passed by it once by car with Matsuo.

It shouldn't be too hard to find, I mean, it's a statue she said. I'm going to take a guess and say it's near the front or centre of the mall.

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