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When we got there at first, they were acting all tough and insisting that they'll have to wait 24 hours before we can make bail. There was no way I'd have let Chika sleep in this horrible place, especially when he's completely innocent.
Amaka wasn't helping, sometimes begging them and other times shouting at them. That's not how this works.
I finally got the chance to speak to their oga and lucky for us, he wasn't as uptight as the boys he put out there.

"Have you guys called Tobi? He wouldn't stop calling, I had to put my phone on airplane mode" Amaka says as we walk out of the station.
"I sent him a text" I answer. Amaka wasn't the only one he bombarded with calls. I don't blame him though, he was completely in the dark at home.
"Sorry I had to drag you guys into this" Chika says
"You didn't drag us into anything" George says
"What is surprising me is who even made the report?" Amaka asks
"If you weren't here with us, I'll think it was you" I tell Anita
"No way" Chika holds Anita's hand tighter "It could never be her" he adds and I see Anita smile.
The number of break ups and make ups these two have is unbelievable.
"Someone big set you up" George says
"That's why they weren't accepting bail" Amaka continues
"You weren't proposing it right" I tell her.
"But my baby, how did you do it?" Amaka asks
"Is it not all these Nigerian police? I'm sure last last they collected the money" Anita says.
"You bribed!" George accuses
"I bailed" I correct
"Thank you" Chika's says like he wouldn't have done the same if I was in a similar situation.
"Thank you. I saw what you and Amaka put together for me" I say
"And I ended up missing the whole thing" Chika says "sorry" he adds
"I missed part of the whole thing too" Amaka says 
"I'll update you guys. Did you know Jennifer came?" George says out of the blues.

Amaka is a bad influence on him, when did he start broadcasting unrequired news?

"Which Jennifer? The fair one?" Amaka asks laying emphasis on fair. Jennifer isn't fair, well, she's trying to be and it isn't really working out for her.
"Hannah sent her out" George continues.

Why is he making it sound so dramatic? Yes, I did send her out but not like that.

"Why did she even come? I thought she didn't like you?" Amaka says
"I don't like her too" I say
"What happened?" Chika asks
"After Amaka called, Hannah was stressed, obviously, and Jen 'shouted' at her" George explains.
"Wait, why are you air coating that she shouted at me? Is it a lie?" I ask
"She was a little loud but it wasn't like that" George says and I keep quiet.

I keep quiet because I know he's right

"That's something I'll definitely do. You don't come to my house and raise your voice at me, and I don't even like you? Ah" Anita says and for the first time since I've met her, I like her.
"So you sent her out?" Chika asks me again. He's activated his mister-nice and I know he wants to lecture me on being more nice to someone who doesn't deserve it.
"I asked her nicely to leave. There was no need for her fake love in the first place" I say "why are you even reporting me?" I ask George.
"I'm just filling them in since they missed the whole thing" he defends
"There are other things that you can fill them in on" I say
"None as interesting" he says
"So you found it interesting? And you guys were begging me when I was dragging her out" I say
"We didn't beg you. At least I didn't. Thank God you finally agree to dragging her out" he has a satisfied smile on his face, probably because I'm admitting that I sent her out.
"What did you expect me to do? She wasn't going to listen to me" I whine.
"You guys argue like couples" Amaka says.
She's playing match maker again.
George is quiet, shy. I'm quiet, not shy though, just uncomfortable.
"She has a boyfriend" I hear Chika whisper to Amaka.
I don't correct that I no longer have a boyfriend, I don't need to, at least not now.

Loosing Moses was harder than I made it seem. I had put in a lot to our relationship and it turned out terribly.
I still haven't had time to properly process what happened. He left me because of Favor, she's probably younger, prettier maybe even richer than I am.

I hate that I'm comparing myself to someone I don't even know, that I'm feeling less confident in myself and more insecure over someone whose name I just found out today.
I really did like Moses, I still do.

"Hannah" I hear Chika call.

We're back at my house now. Anita went home directly from the station and Amaka had to go home because of the time. George and Chika insisted on following me home.

"yes?" I answer looking from him to George
"Are you okay? You zoned out on us for a bit" Chika asks
"Of course I'm okay" they don't look convinced. "I just had a long day, I'm tired" I say after a while.
"Well, at least open the door before you zone out like that, or you don't want us going in?" George says
"Going in? I'm safe and I'm at home, what do you want?" I ask.

I really didn't think they were coming back with me. It's almost 11 and ... and I just don't want any more company.

"You see?" George is telling Chika "She's sending us out nicely too" he continues emphasizing on nicely.

I don't want to seem rude but I really didn't expect them to come with me.
Chika already had one hell of a day, I thought he'll want a break from everybody just like me, and George, well, we've been together since I got home.

"I might even crash here" Chika says
"Crash where?!" I don't know how or why I had to shout it, but, crash where?!!
George and Chika laugh "Madam, calm down" George says still smiling
"I'm joking. I'm going already. I get you don't want me in your house" Chika says
"It's just really late and really should rest" I tell Chika
"Yeah bro" George agrees surprisingly
"At least let's enter, you're treating us like strangers" Chika says and before I can even oppose he's opening the door and they're inside.
Do I ever lock my door? Of course I do, I left Tobi here that's why I didn't.

"So this is why you didn't want us coming in?" I hear Chika say and I walk in.

Why the hell is Demon Moses in my house?!

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