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"Hey. I was wondering where you are."

"I'm not gonna leave okay? Well, not until we have the money already."

"Can I join you?"

"You're already there so why still ask?" Rio then started undressing himself to join Verona at the shower.

"Is your wound okay now?" Rio asked as he wraps his arms onto Verona waist both of them getting soaked by the shower.

"Hmm. It is now." She replied as she felt Rio's lips on her hot skin and his hands wandering on her body. Verona moaned when Rio found her sweet spot, sucking on it. "That'll leave a mark."

"Good." Rio replied. "I want them to know I own you."

"Do you?" Verona teased, Rio then made her face him, left hand is now on her neck lightly choking her as he kissed her making Verona gasped for air when he released her now swollen lips.

"You're wet." Rio announced. "Is this because of the water or because of me?"

"The water of course." Verona chaffed.

"Oh really?" Rio asked as his manhood brushed against Verona's thigh, teasing the pretty girl.

"Damn it Rio."

"Tell me who do you belong to?" Rio asked brushing his member at Verona's entrance.


"Who am I?"

"You, baby."

"Good girl." Rio says as he finally entered Verona. "So warm." Verona moaned as Rio started thrusting inside her, and as time flies Rio's pace became greedier, needier and faster satisfying both of them.

"Once we pull off this job. I'll buy a magnificent island." Rio says as both he and Verona get dressed after their steamy shower.

"That sounds good."

"Right? I'll live there." Rio continued while Verona listened to him. "With you." Verona then immediately looked at Rio, surprised with what she heard.

"Are you serious?" Verona asked, eyes avoiding Rio.

"I'm serious. I want to live on an island with the woman I love. Can't I have that?" Rio asked looking at Verona who still is avoiding his eyes. "I don't need answer right now. I'll wait besides I haven't gotten your full number yet."


THE HEIST | RIO MONEY HEIST - KOREA (JOINT ECONOMIC AREA)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat