Sweetest Life

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Ship : Manjiro x Takemitchi
Genre : Fluff - Angst
Au : Fem. Mitchi and all alive
Summary : They had the perfect life but was robbed by fate.
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No one's P . O . V

Hanagaki Takemitchi and Manjiro Sano was childhood sweethearts. They were attach to the hip with each other and even promising
to marry one another when the grew up.

U could say it came true cause as they grow up their feeling reciprocated with one another.

Those silly promises slowly came true as soon as they started dating at highschool which a lot of people knew it would happen even their families ,everyone accepted and supported their relationship.

Despite mikey being a gang leader nothing change since takemitchi accepted him wholeheartedly.

Their relationship wasn't that much a smooth sailing since there were times they both argued almost leading them the breaking point but luckily it was fix and continued their relationship until they graduated collage which was the time mikey proposed to her.

After graduating mikey continued to expand his gang and takemitchi working as a manga artist despite the protest of his soon to be husband.

Takemitchi wasn't a fool not to know what kind of work his fiancee do but he still supported him though.

Soon they both decided to get married which excited their families, friends and relatives by the news and begun to plan it accordingly to what the couple wants.

" I still can't believe it your gonna be my sister - in - law mitchi !" a woman with a golden hair excitedly said which made their other friends giggled.

"Me too emma - chan " takemitchi said walking out from the dressing room wearing one of the wedding gown they've pick.

" You look dropped dead gorgeous mitchi " a woman with a light pink hair beam with happiness.

It made takemitchi a little flustered and thank her which was then added by a woman with ginger hair ties in a bunn" That's mitsuya's work for you ".

" I couldn't agree more yuzu - chan " our bride giggled as they continue talking a lavender haired man then came and interrupted them " Sorry for interrupting ladies but I would like to also see our bride with the dress she pick ".

" Sure wait for a bit mitsuya - san she's know changing into it since it took a long time to pick which one really suited her taste " senju said.

They were now waiting for min. before the bride finally came out looking like a good to be true for a human.

They were stun by how beautiful she is which made her nervous " Guy's does it look that bad ? ".

Everyone finally snapped back and reassured her that she looks so gorgeous , pretty and many more which she sighed out of relief.

3 months of preparing pass by so quickly as mikey was now standing infront of the altar with his brother's and friends beside him waiting for the person who's going to be soon his wife and mrs. Sano .

He was more nervous than he thought he was as the door of the church finally open and little girls are already throwing some flower petals on the aisle.

Mikey watch as his perfect and beautiful wife came in , she was so breathe taking as he said. He watched her walked towards the altar as if everything around them was in slow motioned when both of their eyes meet.

Takemitchi entered and was super nervous but looking at his soon to be husband and partner for the rest of their lives made her less nervous.

Both of them were now at the altar both nervous and excited the ceremony went on smoothly both exchanging their vows and wedding ring with each other, everyone cheered for the both of them.

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