Dance in the Rain

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Ship : Sanzu x Takemitchi
Current & Past Timeline : Bonten
Au : Omega verse
Warning: Mentioned of death and murder, stab, gunshot , blood is present also cussing.
Summary: Sanzu was dancing in the rain the rest of the bonten members thought he finally went more crazy than he is until they know the reason from takeomi.

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No one's P . O . V

Akaashi Haruchiyo or mostly known as Sanzu Haruchiyo was bonten's no. 2 his known for liking to torture his victim or traitor in the organization.

He was the loyal mad dog of their leader Sano Manjiro mostly known as Mikey. Haruchiyo doesn't obey anyone beside his king so they thought to be.

One day a heavy rain came pouring all over around tokyo, haruchiyo who was just in his room eyes so dull as if their's no soul in it look outside.

He saw the rain he felt the pain on his chest tears started to pour fast our of his eyes as he looks at his ring and a photo ?. 

Haruchiyo walk towards his cabinet and took 5 drugs with different dose at the same time and walk outside his room not even hearing the voices of others.

The rest of the members was shocked since haruchiyo didn't even bother to utter a word even to look at their way. He just continue to walk towards the garden.

' What's his problem ? ' Rindou said with a " what is wrong with him face " towards his brother who was sipping his morning coffee.

' Who knows one's thing for sure his high ' His brother ran replied.

Kokonoi then interrupted and said ' Hey do you guy's know what's going on with sanzu his dancing on the garden like an idiot '. ' Maybe he finally lost it ' Ran replied .

' Better contact the mental hospital rn ' Kokonoi replied back which made the haitani brother's chuckle that's when kakucho and takeomi burst in a mess.

' Woah what happened with you guy's ' Kokonoi ask waiting for his coffee to be done that's when kakucho started running towards to sanzu's room which made the three confused.

Takeomi who was in frustration asked the trio ' Have you seen where haruchiyo is ? '. ' Well I just saw him in the garden dancing like a fool ' Kokonoi answered.

As takeomi was about to leave kakucho then shouted from the other side of the room ' Takeomi - san he took those 5  fucking drugs again ! ' .

Takeomi's face horrified and immediately left heading towards heading to the garden. Kakucho who was panic was about to follow takeomi, ran blocked his.

' Get out of the way ran ' Kakucho said
Ran then raised his eyebrow and replied ' Not until your gonna explained to us what's happening '.

' And what's wrong with sanzu eating 5 drugs ? ' Rindou inserted. ' I'll tell you once we calm sanzu down ' Kakucho answered and pushed ran making him knocked on the ground.

Rindou helped ran stand up and suggested ' How about we follow those two ' both of the boy's agreed so they followed them .

Upon their arrival they saw kakucho restraining him back sanzu and takeomi had a syringe on his hand.

' Let me go kakucho, im having fun with takemitchi and my kids ! ' sanzu said angrily and they also his crying?, Well that's new.

But the questioned is who is takemitchi and he has kids. In the end they got to inject it to sanzu which made the boy collapsed but said " Give me back my angels ' .

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