i took my bag from the trunk of the car and snatched the small notebook from a pocket and immediately started writing down something for my father.

'where is my room, dad?'

after writing it down, i handed the piece of paper to him and he gave me a look that i couldn't quite describe what he was trying to express.

he gestured for me to give the pen and i put the small object on his palm, and waited for his response. even though i have my hearing and all, he still chooses to write to me. its always so silent.

'we're not even in the house yet, wait a little longer fatass.'

i sighed when i read the last word in the writing. he was laughing with his girlfriend at what he had wrote to me and i honestly was used to it already. i snatched the notebook from his hands and shoved it into my bag and proceeded to walk away.

i went to the trunk of the car and started to take out boxes that were a bit heavy for me, and i clenched my teeth together when i sensed a pair of eyes on me. i thought it was my dad since he always laid his eyes on me whenever he had the chance to. his eyes were like a laser pointer. i felt the burning gaze on the back of my head. i looked to where my body was telling me to look, and saw a pink haired boy staring at me from the park that was infront of my house.

he was.. cute. not in a weird way, in a compliment-y way. even though he was standing far away, i could see the lip piercing he had on his plump lips. he had another piercing on his right nostril. he looked like one of those guys you see on a headline of a newspaper. "Gang Member Brutally Murders a Family of 3", and no, it's not referenced.

i couldn't see him clearly but i could tell he was handsome.i turned my head back to what i was doing and used all my strength to pick up the small box into the house. right when i walked into the building, the strong stench of smoke filled my nostrils and this made me scrunch my nose in disgust.

the place is new and they're smoking already? you know what they say about smokers. once one puff of smoke makes way to their lungs, they forever will become addicted. my dads voice was becoming more and more crunchy as the days passed. i'm concerned that he will appear on one of those reality shows for smokers.

i opened a door to a room and a smile forms on my lips. the real estate agents were generous enough to give us free beds from the amount of shit we've been through.

correction, MY DAD has been through. he didn't tell them what i was put through by that man. if he told them what I HAD been through, i guarantee you they will refurnish this place with expensive furniture. but nobody likes that kind of pity.

in this tiny room came a single bed with a blanket and blank pillow. i didn't own much since my dad doesn't buy me anything. i have to work for it. i worked at a café down the street from my old house.

with all that hard work, i bought a phone for half the minimum wage i had from the job i previously worked at. they did not like me one bit. maybe it was from all those lies my father had told the manager before hiring me.

i unpacked my things from the box and started decorating the small room. as i digged deeper into the box, i found items i had when i was a child. i don't remember putting this in here though.. maybe i did, but i just don't remember. i blame my dads genetics for giving me this bad memory.

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