"I go for Tokyo too." Denver voted.

"Tokyo." Helsinki also said leaving Nairobi defeated.

"B Team?"

"I should do it since I'm the eldest one." Oslo says.

"I think Verona will be a great team leader." Chicago says.

"Chicago should do it." Verona says making Rio pout.

"Come on why are you voting for a girl and take note she's the youngest." Oslo says joking.

"Do you have problems with girls leading?" Nairobi asked as Tokyo and Verona threw a sharp glance at Oslo making him gulp.

"I haven't given my vote yet." Rio says.

"So, who do you vote for then?"

"My vote goes to my baby." Rio says winking at Verona, the girl only rolled her eyes.

"It's settled then, Berlin's in-charge. Tokyo's the A team leader and Verona's B team leader."


"What are you all doing there?" Moscow who's happily having a conversation with Verona says.

The Director immediately went towards them grabbing Verona's arm. "Thank God, you two came. These freaking commies are ganging up to kill me." Verona threw them a glance.

"Is that true?" she asked but everybody shook their heads no.

"We just warned him because he tried to get out of group work."

"Hey Park! You saw everything tell them." But the Park that the Director says nothing.

"I recommend not getting on my nerves Director. I'm not a very patient person."

"That's enough already. Okay Verona? Let's go and eat." Moscow says lightly pulling Verona. "Aigoo this little girl." Moscow says messing Verona's long hair.


"I'm sorry but can you give me some more?" a student asked as he was shoved from the back resulting for his food to clutter on the floor.

"What?" asked the one who is assigned to give rounds of food.

"It's not like he dropped his tray because he wanted to!" Chimed in by the teacher.

"Let me repeat. I was never ordered to give out extra food."

"Just give him some more. You're so cheap and rude."

"We'll be held responsible if the food distribution goes wrong."

"What the hell are you doing?" says the man who's printing the money alongside Nairobi. "Here have mine."

"Stay out of it, old man."

"If I, were you, I'd watch my mouth." Verona says getting up from her sit. Rio follows her thru his eyes. "Here have mine." Verona then gave her tray with untouched food to the student while Rio held her wrist stopping her from doing so. "What are you doing? Get off!"

"I know that he needs to eat but you also need to. Just let him get another one." The student then contemplates whether he should follow Verona or Rio.

"Get it, my hands are already getting numb."

"Don't even dare."

"Who will you listen to? Daddy or Mommy?" Verona jokingly asked as she's getting impatient but the student seem to have his mind made up already as he touched Verona's tray also feeling Verona's soft hand in the process.

"Hey! Just get the tray and leave her hands alone!" Rio says annoyed at the student, Verona then hit him on his stomach before pulling him back to their sit by his collar. "Here eat this." Rio says forcing a spoonful of food inside Verona's mouth. Verona says something but Rio only laughed at her attempt. "What was that? I can't hear you."


"Damn it!" Oslo said as he realized that Tokyo had locked the exit door leaving him no choice to comeback up. Too bad for him he was welcomed by Verona's kick landing on his neck making him fall from the stairs where Denver is who used his knee to strike him in the face. Oslo of course didn't down both Verona and Denver as he threw Denver to a lower stair floor, only for Verona to get a better chance kicking Oslo down too but Oslo held her feet and threw her to Denver both of them landing on the floor again, with Verona on top of Denver. Denver then pulled Verona aside and attacked Oslo who lifted him up and banged his head on the stairstep above them. Verona's turn came, she curled her fist into a ball landing a perfectly strong punch on Oslo's face.

"Damn it. I thought he'd be nothing without his gun." Denver says.

"Teletubby must've fought in Yangbian." Verona commented making Denver laugh.

"You, crazy bastard! What is this about? And you Verona? You're lucky your my team leader and Berlin favors you."

"Or else what Teletubby?" Verona clap backed making Denver laugh again.

"Teletubby asshole."

Oslo punched Denver but Denver and Verona had other plans. Verona swiftly stood on the stair railing as then Denver stops Oslo's attempt to punch, Denver then pushed Oslo to the railing where Verona is and the girl pulled the hood of Oslo's jumpsuit basically choking him in the process while Denver kept punching Oslo's stomach. Oslo kicked Denver's groin and pushed Verona causing for the pretty girl to fell down. The three of them continued fighting until they come into exhaustion. Oslo was about to get up again when Verona pulled a last stunt. She went over the railings landing on a stick that was reaching Oslo's in between making him cry in pain while Denver hit him with a folded chair rendering him to sleep.


"You're the dangerous one." Tokyo says pointing a gun at Berlin. Chicago, Denver who has a lot of scratches on his face and Verona who has a busted lip which didn't escape Rio's eyes also came in alongside Helsinki and Oslo. "Killing a hostage wasn't enough and now you have us spying on each other?"

"Says the one pointing a gun at her colleague." Berlin says raising his hands in the air. "Denver, what's this I thought we're good? Verona? Aren't I your big brother here?"

"Shut up, son of bitch."

"Surely, a brother won't have a big Teletubby spying on his little sister." Verona says pointing the gun at Berlin. "Rio go call the Professor."

The telephone only kept ringing as no one answered it.

"Where did the Professor had wandered off at this critical moment."

"Maybe something happened to him." Rio says.

"See? This is why the Professor had put me in-charge."

"You're not qualified." Tokyo retorted.

"Is that what everyone thinks?"


"Why don't we gather everyone and ask them what they think. We'll be democratic."

"Did you got shot in the head? Are you crazy?!" Verona shouted launching a step forward causing Berlin to back away.

But in the end Tokyo and Verona can't do anything but to call everyone to vote to demote Berlin.
