part 2

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked around in amazement. Was I dreaming or what? I looked at the name on my phone. This was Alex. I answered the call. He asked me and his voice suggested concern. Where are you? Why didn't you answer my call? I worried about you.
He asked me to send my location to him so that he could come to me
I told him it's okay, I'll be back on my own, you don't have to come
Alex hesitates: Are you sure you're okay, please be careful I don't want to worry again
Alicia: I'm really sorry, I didn't want to bother you or cause you any anxiety
Alex: It's okay, the important thing is that you are fine now
hang up...
I collected my things while I was afraid of what happened a while ago, on my way back my mind was spinning in a huge whirlpool thinking whether I was dreaming or if it was real.

Alex's point of view:
I have to tell Alicia the truth about the work I am going to do, but I think she will not like it very much, and she will think that it is dangerous, I do not deny that it is, but now it is my responsibility and I have to work to secure our lives, I can't think how we got to This stage, now we are like orphans, we have neither a mother nor a father who left us alone in this savage world. We have to direct his cruelty with all our strength. I will not leave weakness and memories a place in my life. I will try to forget what has passed and work on what is to come. I want Alicia to live a normal life, away from the psychological state that my mother brought us to, oh, I don't even know why I'm calling A woman like her with my mother, she does not deserve that, if they ask me to give the title of the worst mother in the world, I will not hesitate for a moment and I will give her the title, she deserves it and she deserves it, but I am worried about Alicia, she will not be able to easily live with the new situation, I hope my attempts to succeed Make her forget what she missed
The door slammed, Jake opened the door, Alicia was standing there, Jake looked at her in astonishment
Jake: Where have you been?! Alex and I were worried about you
Alicia: No need, I fell asleep a bit that's all
Jake: Thank God you're safe, be careful we don't want you to worry us again
I nodded my head and went to my room, Alex came to me before I entered the room and told me we should talk a little, I asked him for some time while I change my clothes

Alicia's pov
I didn't expect Jake to open the door for me, but it seemed like he was really worried, oh hey stupid why didn't I realize I was about to fall asleep in the woods, could someone be so see what Alex wants to talk to me, was Seriously, he certainly seems to be a very important thing
I changed my clothes, which were stained with dirt, while standing in front of the mirror I looked at my shoulder where I felt a slight pain, there were fingerprints, then suddenly I remember when I was in the woods I fell to the ground. I shivered from fear, and began to shout, "It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a dream," when Alex and Jake rushed out the door, and signs of fear and amazement rose on their faces,
Alex: Alicia?! What is there, what is wrong with you?
Alicia: It wasn't a dream
Jake: Alicia, what are you talking about?
Alicia: There was blood and a knife and...
Alex and Jake looked at their hate without understanding anything
Alex: Come with me and sit here and explain to me exactly what happened and why you cried, and what knife and blood is this that you are talking about....
Alicia began to breathe hard, her breathing was loud, and she was not able to breathe the air around her, her eyes were focused on the ground and she was terrified and did not know what really happened
Jake went to the kitchen and got a glass of water
Alicia drank water at once and looked at her brother and hugged and started crying
Alex: Calm down, everything is fine, everything is fine
Alicia started trying to gather her strength and stop crying to explain to her brother what had happened to her. Alex grabbed her hand and nodded, encouraging her to speak.
She took a deep breath and wiped her tears
Alicia: I saw a person on the ground and he was bleeding and there was a lot of blood and he was screaming in pain and I couldn't do anything, and when I looked at my hand there was a bloody knife, and that man came and grabbed me by the shoulder and then I only remember myself awake on the sound of my phone,
Crying again
Alex looked at Jackie, not knowing what to say, asking himself if his sister was delusional about what had happened to her, Jake walked towards Alicia's clothes that were on the floor and took a closer look
Alex looked at him and asked
Alex: What's wrong with you?!
Jake: There is no trace of blood, if indeed she was holding a bloodied knife in her hand, wouldn't it be strange that a drop did not touch her clothes or even the sleeves of her jacket,
Alex looks at Alicia
Alex: It looks like you fell asleep there a little and had a terrible dream, so there is no need to be afraid
Alicia retreated from her brother's embrace, and looked at him with a firm look mixed between sadness, fear and anger, saying: I was not dreaming, I thought so at first, but when I looked at the woman, I found these marks on my shoulder, sure that it was because of that man.
Alex and Jake's eyes turned to her shoulder, which looked as if someone had grabbed her so hard that finger prints remained in the form of intense redness.
Alex started getting worried about what was happening, he asked his sister to take him to the place where that person who was bleeding was, put their coats on and head for the door, it was raining outside and it was windy, he decided to go by car, to cut the time
While driving, Jake's phone started ringing, several calls came and he was ignoring them, Alex understood that Jake had to answer this call, so he stopped the car and Jake got out of the car and walked away from it so that he could have privacy while talking
Meanwhile, Alicia was looking out the window at the raindrops that were falling on the glass when Alex interrupted her. Do you know the person who was injured, or even the man who grabbed your shoulder?
Alicia: I don't know either of them but I felt they were familiar to me
Also, that guy who grabbed my shoulder, I thought he'd been following me since I left the store near Jake's house, but he disappeared when I got to the woods so I thought he was just the same as me
Alex: Why didn't you tell me someone was after you?
Alicia: I didn't expect it to be like this
Jake got into the car and said to Alex, 'We have to hurry, he'll start sending errands in an hour.
Alex: We'll get to work right away
We continued our way, it wasn't a long way by car
We got out of the car and the events began to come back to my mind and to point to the location of each event, saying here the person on the ground was bleeding, and here I was sitting and....
We began to examine the place to find any evidence to prove the correctness of my words, but it does not seem that there is anything in the place, Jake picked up something from the ground and raised it towards me and said
Is this yours, Alicia?
I turned my eyes to him, not examining what he was holding in his hands
It was a piece of paper that read, "Your past will haunt you. You won't know the truth until the time comes, but you'll be watched until it's your turn."
Everyone looked at this paper in amazement, it was wet, but the suspicious thing about it was that there were drops of blood on the edges of the paper.
Then he heard a loud screeching sound coming from the depths of the forest....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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