Chapter 3 - Permission

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Chapter 3! Yay!! ^0^

Enjoy reading!!


When I arrived inside my condo, I immediately pull out my phone and text Leo. It took me a while though to think of what text should I send to her. In the end, I settle for a simple hi. It only took a minute for her to reply.

Leo: Hey (:

Me: What are you doing now?

Leo: aside from texting you? I'm facing my computer.

Me: Just facing? Surfing the net?

Leo: I'm working (:

Me: What are you working at?

Leo: it's a top secret :P

We texted more for an hour and I felt that she seem to be comfortable talking to me now than earlier. It was almost midnight when she  asked if I still have a plan to sleep. I didn't even noticed the time, I still haven't changed my clothes.

Me: Are you sleepy?

Leo: my eyelids are heavy now... -,-

Me: Can I see you tomorrow?

Leo: don't you have work tomorrow?

Me: I don't.

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