I was a little confused. What would she be peaking at? Is she trying to find something? I quickly got dressed and felt comfortable in clean clothes.

After I put on the clothes, I went through my bag and took out the rainbow egg. I wrapped the egg in the bedroll I had, and placed it into a drawer. I used mana to lock the drawer just like Aya showed me. Aya said the drawer will only open to my mana signature once locked.

As I locked the drawer, I heard a knock on my door. I walked over to the door and opened it. When I opened the door, I was met with none other then Tess who looked recently washed and was wearing a new pink dress. Tess punch me lightly on my chest pouting.

"You big dummy, why did you let Aya kiss your forehead." Tess walked past me entering my room. When she entered my room I swear I could smell flowers coming from her. I watched as Tess walked over and sat on my bed. "Um.... I'm sorry?" I said confused of why she was upset with me. Are forehead kisses bad?

"*sigh* I guess it's fine, as long as you don't go chasing after other girls." Tess said folding her arms. I tilted my head and looked at her. "What if we're playing tag. Aya said she would play tag with me." Tess raised a brow at my response. "No." Tess responded quickly with a cold voice that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Ok, I guess I'll just play tag with you then!" I said with a smile. Tess's face brightened with this as she jumped off my bed. "Come on, we can go to the courtyard and play together!" Tess grabbed my hand and I followed her as we ran out of my room to the courtyard laughing together.

Once we entered the courtyard, I was met with a sight that made my jaw drop. There were trees growing in several areas, with orbs of light illuminating the area. The garden was well kept with plants and flowers. "Woah! This is so cool!" I said.

I began to walk forward when Tess let go of my hand and tapped my shoulder. "Tag your it!" Tess yelled as she ran away from me running into the garden.

I smiled at this and ran after her. "Oh no you don't!" I yelled back chasing after her while I could hear her laughing. We continued to run around the court yard tagging each other having fun. Being with Tess made me feel happy. She would tease me saying I wasn't fast enough. I would just use wind magic to go faster, but Tess called me a cheater so I stopped. 

As I was running after Tess who managed to tag me again, I accidentally tripped over my own feet and hit the ground with a loud thud. "Art!" I heard Tess yell as she ran to me and kneeled down in front of me. "Art are you ok?"

I lifted my hand while laying face down and gave her a thumbs up. I lifted my head and looked at her, I saw that she looked a little worried. I gave her a pained smile, "I'm fine" I groaned out while pushing myself up into a seated position.

Tess's face quickly changed to her trying to hold back a smile until she burst into laughter. "You fell pretty hard there Art."

"Ya, fell while I was chasing you." I grumbled while looking to my right crossing my arms pouting a little. I was waiting for Tess to respond, but when she didn't I looked back at her. Tess's face and ears were red. She looked away from me and mumbled, "big dummy."

"What?" I asked not hearing what she said. "I said you're a dummy. Now come on." Tess stood up and put her hand out. I took Tess's hand as she helped me up as well.

When I stood up I noticed a figure enter the courtyard. I willed mana into my eyes and noticed my eyesight changed dramatically. Not only can I see all the mana particles, I could increase the range of my eyesight. Must be because of my dragon body, cool.

I looked towards the figure and saw elder Virion. I looked at him wondering why he was hiding. Is he playing hide and seek? "What are you looking at?" Tess asked.

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