Love me│Pressure

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"To get away from you."

The words repeated in my mind so dreary. I didn't understand what she was trying to convey, yet those words were beginning to hurt. It was if she said it in spite, to get away from me as a person. The fact that Ymir had even suggested Historia run away with her, all because of something I did?

My mouth pursed thinly and I think my face paled at her words. "...Why?" I said breathlessly, the words rolling off my lips. I sensed that something was off with Historia, I just didn't know that I was the cause again.

Her posture slumped like it was against her will. It didn't seem like she wished to discuss this, well, not here of all places. But she refused to tell me anything for weeks now...what more could I have done?

"What did I do wrong now?" I may have come off as impatient, but it had to do with the fact that I'd always been the center of chaos. I was given so much crap just for standing by Eren's side when everyone thought ill of him. I was punished multiple times for simply wanting to help.

And I was exhausted of it.

Historia met my gaze, eyebrows shifting thinly. She really wished to avoid this conversation. "It's not...I don't know why she's acting like this. She wouldn't tell my why exactly." She explained.

"Honestly, Ymir just makes up all of this and refuses to tell you what I've done wrong?" I scowled, feeling attacked for some reason. It's not like I still kept a grudge toward Ymir, but we weren't on great terms either. She created hell for me after lying to Jean about Eren and I. "And you believe it is the right thing to do?"

"Do what?" She questioned briefly, eyes narrowed.

"Run away with her. She clearly wants you far away from me by what I'm hearing." I stated, offering her another hurtful glance. Historia was one of the first friends I made when I moved here, therefore I was definitely feeling dejected by her attitude. And the fact that she never told me about this sooner.

Historia shook her head instantly, "No, no." Her lips twisted into a sorrowful frown. "Of course I don't consider that option. I'm just so confused of why she's acting so...urgent." She stared down to her feet, grabbing her arms.

"I mean, Ymir isn't the type of person to act this way without reason, right?" Her eyes shone, almost begging for this to be a dream. " I tried asking her what her agenda was, but she refuses to tell me at all cost."

I sighed wearily, pretty much just as confused as I was before this conversation even began. "Is there any possibility for me to talk to Ymir directly?" Even though I was fed up with all the drama and havoc, I still desired to fix this and find out what on earth Ymir was thinking. All for the dream that our friends can finally be happy and enjoy our lives.

At my question, Historia appeared to freeze. Her eyes blinked twice before she shook her head repeatedly. "No, I don't think that is a good idea. I may lose her forever." She frowned somberly.

"So she's not coming back to school at all because of me?" My features twisted with annoyance, not getting this at all. I could not think of one good reason Ymir should be avoiding me like this...or maybe she was laying to Historia?

"I, well—I don't understand where her head is at. I'll try to speak to her more and figure this out." Historia seemed even more tired of this and chose to let it go. If Ymir really believed that then she would consider telling Historia the whole truth.

"Okay, then there is—"

"Y/n!!!" A voice shouted from the other hallway and I shifted around to find my drunken boyfriend barely on his feet. Also, he was crying. "Why did you leave? I thought you left me here." He stumbled forward, falling into my arms as I yelped.

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