A Mentor's Pride ≫ Featherwhisker x Female! Medicine Cat! Reader (PLATONIC)

Start from the beginning

Your POV

You were still sitting on the same rock, staring at your reflection in the still water.
What kind of a medicine cat are you? You wondered numbly.
You felt that it was a valid question. You were quite certain that no other medicine cat in the forest had lost one of their clanmates so soon after earning their name. In fact, Sagewhisker's apprentice, Yellowfang, had been talking about how she saved a warrior's apprentice from choking to death on a squirrel bone at the last half-moon meeting, and you were a full medicine cat before her.
I should've been a warrior, You thought bitterly as you pushed yourself into a sitting position. because I'd be much better at taking life than saving it.
Suddenly, a silvery pelt flashed in the light of the setting sun on the far side of the water.
You blinked, squinting against the light to see who it was. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized it was Featherwhisker attempting to reach a thick cluster of catmint that was growing dangerously close to the water's edge.
What is that mouse-brain doing? You wondered, your heart rate speeding up. He knows that's too dangerous!
Your former mentor remained unaware of your presence, slowly continuing down the steep incline towards the clump of herbs. The ground was beginning to sink and crumble under his paws, sending tiny rocks and other debris tumbling into the deep water. Suddenly, the ground underneath him gave away, and he stumbled forward with a startled cry.
You stared in horror as your former mentor plunged into the depths, disappearing under the surface with one last desperate yowl.
Panic set in, and you sprang to your paws.
"Hold on, Featherwhisker! I'm coming!"
Not sparing yourself a single moment to dwell on how much you hated water, you thrusted yourself off the rock. Ice-cold water rippled through your pelt, seeping into your flesh and threatening to freeze you alive. Every instinct you had ever known kicked into overdrive, and you had to valiantly fight your surging desire to resurface and climb back onto the rocks.
Featherwhisker is going to drown, You thought hazily as you propelled yourself further into the depths. I can't give up now!
Suddenly, your paw brushed against a soft pelt.
Your eyes widened, and you looked down to see your former mentor floating limply in the murky blue, slowly sinking further down.
You stifled a yowl of triumph and grabbed his scruff in your jaws, then jerked your muzzle up and began swimming towards the pale light of the sun glistening through the water.
You finally broke the surface, but there was no time to celebrate. Featherwhisker wasn't moving.
Heaving yourself onto the damp grass, you flipped the silver tom onto his back and pressed your ear to his chest. It was still beating, and relief washed over you.
"Hang on, Featherwhisker," You wheezed, placing both of your paws on his chest.
"I won't let you down!"
Then, you started pushing down on his chest repeatedly, making sure to stay in sync with his heartbeat.
StarClan, help me! You begged silently as tears began to brim in your eyes.
I can't lose him, too! Please...
Suddenly, Featherwhisker's chest rose as he took in a massive breath. You yowled in shock and scrambled backwards, watching with wide eyes as your former mentor sat up and spat out a mouthful of water. Much to your relief, it didn't sound like it had come from his lungs, but rather his mouth.

"(Y/N)?" He gasped, coughing several more times. "How in StarClan's name did you find me here?"
You stared at him for a moment, your heart pounding wildly in your chest. It was then, soaking wet and cold, that you realized what you had just done. You had saved Featherwhisker.
Maybe you weren't such a failure, after all.

"Great StarClan!" You cried, rushing forward and embracing him. "You scared the fur off of me! I thought you were dead!"

Featherwhisker chuckled, placing a paw on your back.
"Well, I'm not," He purred. "and it's all thanks to you, (Y/N)."
For the first time that day, a small speck of pride swelled in your chest.

"Come on, mouse-brain," You meowed with a tired chuckle. "Let's get you home."

Featherwhisker chuckled, heaving himself to his paws and lightly leaning against your shoulder.
"Lead the way."
You purred, resting your tail on his lower back and guiding him away from the water.
What a day.

Featherwhisker's POV

Featherwhisker smiled up at (Y/N) as she finished checking him for broken bones and stepped back.
"How am I doing?" He asked, happiness welling in his chest. She seemed so pleased with herself, and he absolutely loved to see her happy.

"You're just fine." (Y/N) replied, nodding in satisfaction. Her (E/C) eyes twinkled for a moment, and Featherwhisker detected a hint of amusement there.
"You got lucky today. Be careful around the water, mouse-brain." She smiled, then rose to her paws and padded towards the den entrance.

Featherwhisker sat up in his nest and called after his former apprentice. "(Y/N)?"
(Y/N) glanced over her shoulder, raising her eyebrows.
Featherwhisker smiled at her. "I'm proud of you."
The (F/C) she-cat smiled brightly, her eyes lighting up. She seemed at ease for the first time in days.

"Thanks, Featherwhisker." She meowed.
Featherwhisker nodded to excuse her, and she disappeared through the ferns.
Featherwhisker watched her go, feeling quite pleased with himself.
As long as she's happy, so am I.
He glanced over at his herb store, where the bundle of catmint that had originally given him his idea still laid.
"Well done, (Y/N)," He meowed to the den entrance, a proud purr in his voice.
"I'm proud to call you my former apprentice."


Not all male/female one-shots have to be romantic. I made your relationship platonic, because I think it's cute that Featherwhisker was like your older brother

I'm sorry I've been gone for a minute xD I'm doing great, just busy.

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