Zhan looked at him before he kissed him and Yibo kissed him back, they made out for some time before Zhan spoke again, "I was thinking that... since our marriage, we are facing one or the other trouble... so... how about we finally go to our honeymoon?"

Yibo smiled and nodded, "That's a great idea. Where do you want to go any idea?"

"I don't know you tell, Switzerland? or maybe Fiji?"

"But we went to Switzerland in Veracity and Fiji in bad boy think of something else." 

 "This is so tough."

"How about Sweden or maybe Iceland somewhere cold."

And hence they spend half of their time in discussing where to go for their honeymoon. They searched the net and made several plans and whatnot.

Suddenly Zhan's phone rang and it was a call from Simon, "Hello."


Zhan suddenly sat on the bed and smile widely, "What the fuck due that's such great news! Congratulations!"

Yibo sat up as well as he smiled when he saw Zhan so happy, "Of course, we will."

After the call was disconnected Zhan looked at Yibo who asked, "What happened?"

"Well, first he was saying congratulations to us for winning, and also... the surrogate they hired is finally pregnant with twins!"

Yibo smiled widely, "that's such great news! So one kid will be Zhehan's and the other will be of Simon?"

"Yup thanks to medical advancement, they are twins as well."

"That's so great." Yibo spoke, "I wonder why mom didn't call she would be freaking out right now, that she was going to be a grandmother." Yibo said and as soon as he saw that his phone rang and he laughed and showed the phone to Zhan, it was a call from May.

May and Simon had come close in these months, Simon had also tarted calling her mom after all she was there to support him and Zhehan after Rose ruined their relationship.

May also encouraged Zhehan to take therapy and would often drop him to the clinic herself whenever William or Simon would be busy. She soon became a very important part of Zhehan and Simon's life.

"I am pretty sure he is going to nag me again and tell me to be a father as well." Yibo mumbled and Zhan hugged him before kissing him on the head, "That idea does not sound that bad."

Yibo looked at him and blinked before he smiled, "Of course, it does not sound that bad... Let me take her call first." Yibo said and answered May's call as they laid back on the bed.

Zhan had laid out his arm and Yibo's head was resting on his arm while Zhan played with his hair, as Yibo put the phone on speaker so that Zhan can also hear what May was saying.

"When are you going to give me grandchildren? Learn something from Simon!" May scolded him Zhan laughed while Yibo rolled his eyes.


"What mom? you only know how to give me a headache."

"Why are you always scolding me? It seems like you have become partial ever since Simon started calling you mom." Yibo spoke.

"Oh really? and what about you, you always talk to William and never tell me anything? Why didn't you tell me that you were going to open a clinic but you told William about it?! hmph, it seems like you have forgotten that I am your mom."

Zhan covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing while Yibo nearly cried, "Mom I'll talk to you later."

"Of course why would you talk to me now..."

After the call was disconnected Zhan burst out laughing, "This lady is becoming moody day by day as she ages."

"I dare you to say that to your mother."

"Oh, so you want to get rid of me huh? You want to be a widower?" Yibo spoke.

Zhan suddenly hovered over Yibo, "Of course, I can't even imagine my without you in it."

Yibo smiled, "Wow, the same goes for me as well." Zhan then leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you so much Yibo."

"I love you too bunny."

"Fuck!" Zhan said and got angry, "You had to say that right?!"

Now it was Yibo's turn to start laughing, "What?"

"You know I don't like that and yet you say that bloody name! fuck you!"

"Who's stopping you do that."

Zhan then pushed him on the bed again, "Don't call me bunny I hate it, can't you call me something better? Like daddy?"

"Yuck! that shitty word is still in the market?"

Zhan shrugged, "Maybe."

"Nope I hate that word it's cringe and disgusting," Yibo said.

"Yeah, and the bunny is good?"

"Of course, it's so sweet and cute and it matches your face. Bunny?"

Zhan glared at him, "don't call me that?"

Yibo circled his arms around Zhan and bought him closer to his face, "Bunny, bunny, bunny..." he then gave Zhan a seductive look and licked his lips, "I love you..."

"That's it. You piece of shit" Zhan started and started tickling Yiob making him scream and struggle while laughing hysterically but Zhan who was still above and refused to let him go.

"Oh... god... sorry, sorry. hey, stop." Yibo said as he kept on tickling him,"so are you going to call me bunny?"

"No... no.. I won't."

"You promise?" Zhan spoke.

Yibo nodded and Zhan finally stopped tickling him.

Yibo clutched his stomach as he breathed heavily and sat back  on the bed as he looked at Zhan who was smirking, Yibo took a deep breath and went near him and kissed him on the cheek, "you are really stupid bunny."

As soon as he said that he ran away while Zhan ran after him, "That's it, Yah come back here you are so dead today!" Yibo laughed and Zhan was laughing as well as they enjoyed and made many, many, many happy memories with each other.

                                                                             xxx The End xxx




Please share this book with your friends and followers and make it popular while I work on a new book! I will be back soon till then happy reading!

P.S: I was thinking of writing a side story about their honeymoon but I guess I won't in the end.

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