Chapter 17~

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Zhan's mouth was agape and his eyes were wide as he stared at Zhehan with shock.

"You are his what?"

The moment he asked that Zhehan's expression dimmed, as she smiled, but to Zhan, that smile felt bitter, "I see he hasn't told you about me."

Zhan was about to say something before he was interrupted, "What's going on here?"

Both Zhan and Zhehan looked at the person who came into the room. It was none other than Simon.

He stopped moving when he saw Zhehan, Zhan thought that was dreaming when he saw disdain on Simon's face, as he glared at Zhehan, "I see you came back... and right after coming you are in someone else's room."

Zhehan clenched his fist as he glared at him, "Let's take this to the room, dear prodigal husband." Zhehan said as he walked past him but didn't forget to look at Zhan and say to him, "It was nice seeing you... best friend good night."

He said and walked back to his room, and once he was gone Zhan couldn't help but ask, "what was that?"

Simon sighed, "Nothing... you rest."

Simon said and walked back to his room and closed the door of Zhan's room on his way out.

Once they were gone Zhan once again sat on his bed.

What the hell was all that about?


The next day Simon was frowning as he sat at the table under Zhan's curious gaze.

As he tried to eat his lunch but was getting annoyed by Zhan's constant staring at him he knew that Zhan had questions.

So he put his fork on the table and looked at Zhan, "I will tell you later."

Zhan smiled and nodded.

Zhehan looked back and forth between them.

"I see that you're finally back huh." The atmosphere chilled and everyone became attentive when William spoke.

However, Zhehan smiled, "Of course father, I knew that you missed me a lot."

William stopped eating and his eyes twitched while Zhan and Simon were shocked especially Zhan, how can Zhehan talk to William like this?  Like so casually, Zhan and Simon can't even speak properly before him.

William looked at Zhehan, "What about your husband he missed you as well... you don't care about him?"

"Oooh really?" Zhehan spoke as he looked at Simon, "He missed me? I doubt that."

While it may look like a fun and casual remark but there was an underlying meaning under it and Zhan was sure about it, because the way Simon glared at Zhehan was really scary.

"I am done, I will leave father," Simon said before he got up and left.

While Zhehan watched him go his smile was gone as well, "Well I am done as well. Thanks for the meal."

Once the two were gone Zhan heard a sigh from William and Zhan looked at him, "Is everything okay Uncle William."

William looked at him with his sharp gaze and Zhan once again looked down finally, William spoke, "If you have eyes then I am sure that you can see that everything is not fine and it's affecting my son a lot.

He won't come to me I am sure of that,  but if you can make him open up then I will be grateful to you." he said before he walked away.


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