Chapter 65~

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Seven months later~

"On the count of attempt to murder on Meng Ziyi and Xiao Cheng, kidnapping and blackmail and illegal possession of weapons, this court sentence Xiao Yara to life imprisonment."

The judge announced.

The entire Xiao family was there, including Ziyi, as they saw Yara being taken by the cops, during the entire time, Yara just kept on looking down, she had pleaded guilty.

Maybe it was due to the guilt after she shot her own son and nearly killed him.

That day Yara had surrendered to the cops and it was Feng who finally registered an FIR against her and told her how critical Cheng's condition was.

Feng and Ziyuan also met Haoxuan who told them everything he knew about Cheng.

She shot the son she claimed to love so much, with Feng was Ziyuan as well and she told Yara how much Cheng had suffered since childhood, he wanted to be a athlete but his weak immune system didn't allow it.

His body was frail and weak that he would get sick often and had to sacrifice many of his dreams, overtime all this gave rise to immense hatred in his heart for Yara.

And eventually, all he wanted was to see Yara punished!

So he became a lawyer since he can't be a cop or detective due to his weak body and started looking for Yara, but when the stature of limitation was over he knew that Yara won't be punished legally so he wanted her dead. And after killing her Cheng had even thought of killing himself.

When Yara heard all this she was filled with guilt, because of her, her son suffered so much that even ending his own life wasn't a big deal for him.

"If you really care baout Micah then you will plead guilty this time Yara" Feng spoke, "and even if you don't this time I wont't back down, because of you my son is in ICU and even if the media or the wolrd finds out I will not stop till you either end up in prison of just die."

Ziyuan also glared at her, "If you really think yourself as a mother and feel guilty then this time you won't let your son down."

That was what they said before they left.

And today Yara was finally given the sentence for life, while passing by the Xiao family she looked at them and then at her son who was glaring at her before she said in a very slow voice that was almost a whisper, "I am sorry."

And then she was taken away by the cops.

Once she was out of sight Cheng finally sighed and so did the others before Zhan placed his hand on his shoulder, "so... shall we party?"

Yibo rolled his eyes and glared at Zhan, "shut up."

Zhan laughed while the others smiled as well, and Ziyuan spoke, "Let's go home."

Everyone agreed and while they were leaving Ziyi looked at her father who was looking at her with anger and disappointment, he hated her for supporting the Xiaos and not giving support to her own family.

He came to them as well and Cheng grabbed her hand as her father spoke, "You are disgusting." before he walked away.

The Xiao family said nothing as they watched him leave and they also finally left the court.

Once they came out they took a sigh of relief.


"Woah what a day it was." Zhan said as he collapsed on his bed and sighed with relief while Yibo smiled and laid down beside him, Zhan hugged him, "So I guess everything is good now?"

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