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Our visit went by pretty quickly, we never talked about it, we never had another fight, we kinda just pushed it to the side and didn't bother to bring it back. "I can't believe you have to leave already.." We hugged his parents tightly, promising to come visit soon, "Have a safe flight!" His mom called to us as we got in the Uber, once we were out of sight his entire mood changed as he looked at me.

"Are you okay?" I knew what he was referring to but I wasn't ready to talk about our fight, "Yeah I'm fine, are you?" He just stared at me for what felt like an eternity, "Y/n.." I sighed, "Yes I know you know when I'm lying but I just don't want to talk about it right now..." I played with the strings on my hoodie, "Okay, we don't have to right now." I slowly nodded and looked at my phone hoping this ride and the plane ride would go quickly.


I lazily threw my suitcase down on my floor, between the fight and the plane flight I felt so exhausted, I just wanted to lay down and sleep for a week. I heard Colby shuffle in behind me, "I thought you'd want your bed when we landed." He collapsed on the bed next to me, "I don't want to be alone." His reason was understandable, I didn't want to be either but I felt the tension around us.

"We...we need to talk."  He looked over at me, I was sitting up staring at my door as I held my pillow. "Okay..." I stopped trying to hold back and I just let everything loose, "Colby I'm gonna be honest when I say I feel like you're only using me for sex, I haven't complained and I've let you use whatever you want on me, I did enjoy it and I haven't regretted any of it but that was the one thing you promised me, you said you wanted to get to know me but I feel like you haven't even tried because we're always drunk or screwing..I know you said you didn't want a relationship and I'm working with that, I just want you to help me meet in the middle. When you said that to me at the house my world shattered..."

I stopped talking as I felt tears building up in my eyes and his arms wrap around me, "I'm so sorry I made you feel like that...I never meant any of it, I was drunk and that isn't an excuse, I should have just let it go and laid down with you, I was in the wrong completely...I didn't realize you felt like that about us, I promise to try harder okay? I'll take you out to eat so we can actually talk, we can just go have fun with out sex or alcohol." He looked at me and wiped my tears that fell, "I'm sorry Y/n.."

I couldn't stay mad, his words were so pretty, I just wanted us to be okay again, "I forgive you." He pulled me close and we laid there on my bed for a while just enjoying each other's company. My phone went off making me jump, "It's my landlord?" Colby was passed out next to me, I knew he was tired so I pulled away from him and walked into the living room.


Hey Y/n I was calling to ask if you'd be willing to only have a 4-month lease, there are people who specifically want this apartment that are willing to pay more than you and Kacey.

Oh Um actually that works out perfectly, me and Kacey planned to move in with friends, I was actually planning to call and work things out.

Great I'll email you the papers of agreement and just send me pictures back with them signed by the both of you

Will do but Kacey is currently out of town so am I able to send her a copy and you have separate signatures?

Yes that will work, keep in touch if you need another place in the future.

Of course

I was stunned, why did shit like that always happen, now we had to be out even sooner, we had 3 months to do all of this. "Who was that?" I turned around to see Colby rubbing his eyes, "Sorry did I wake you? That was my landlord, he was asking if I wanted a 4-month lease instead of a 6-month, I told him it worked perfectly because of our plans." Colby nodded and hugged me, "Come back to bed, I want you with me." Butterflies flew around in my stomach, and I nodded walking back to the room with him, he didn't rip my clothes off which made me believe he really was working harder.

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