Chapter 15

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(A won. Stay tuned for that in later chapters)

Tony and Peter sat on Peter's bed, Peter finally changed and calmed his rash with lotion, and Tony offering a gentle smile.
"So," Tony decides to start. "Want to explain... well, everything? I don't wanna assume anything here."
That gave Peter a huge amount of relief. "Yeah ok. Thank you." Peter took a breath, mentally preparing for his explanation.
"The nightmares are the whole reason I wear... that stuff. I started getting the nightmares some time after the whole incident with the building collapsing on me when I was 15, and then after Loki's attack on New York a couple years back the nightmares started involving loosing you, but what got me wetting the bed was ultron. He just... the whole scenario... being so far away for home for the first time, all of the innocent people who couldn't even grasp what we were saying!" Peter gripped his hair as he hugged his knees to his chest, taking a shaky breath. "The only good thing that came out of all of that was that we have Vision, Wanda, and Pietro here. We almost lost Bruce for fucks sake." Tears that had been building up now had fallen down Peter's soft cheeks. "I, I just still here him talking to me. Ultron. The way he grabbed my face, called me worthless, it plays over and over." Peter laid his head on his knees with his voice cracking at his last sentence.
Tony felt awful. He should've know better than to take a 19 year old on that mission. Tony was 30 at the time for fucks sake! He should've told Peter to sit that one out. Who cares how experienced he was?
Tony did the one thing he swore he never wanted to do.
He made Peter grow up too fast.
Just like his own father had him.
Tony wrapped his arms around Peter, and that's when the young adult shoved his face into Tony's chest, and wailed.
It broke Tony's heart.
Because of the wails, Steve came into the room holding an extremely bundled up August with a concerned look. Without a word, he joins his husband on Peter's bed, on Peter's other side to hold both his boys.

Just a little back story here. This universes Peter Parker, gained his powers just after he turned twelve after a class field trip to the Oscorp building. A spider that had been exposed to radiation for several testing proposes had escaped and bit Peter just as he was leaving the building to file towards the bus with the rest of his peers. Uncle Ben had chaperoned that day, and let Peter rest on his side on the bus ride to the school.
Peter went home and stayed in bed most of that weekend. Monday rolled around, and Peter chose to push though the day. That day when Flash Thomson has attempted to bully Peter like he'd do at least once a week, Peter was able to defend himself.
Dodging the hits and even causing Flash to ram himself into lockers with all of his own force. Some kids claimed they saw Peter shove him into the lockers.
When Ben was driving Peter home after he'd gotten expelled, he asked Peter what really happened. He was proud of his nephew. Flash had gotten away with a lot when it came to basically torturing Peter, and Ben was just happy he finally defended himself. That day, Ben gave Peter advice that stuck with him ti this day.
"Always fight against the people who pick on the little guy."
And Peter had ever since.
Ben died when Peter was 14, due to health complications. That's why Peter was studying in the medical field.
Peter helped the Avengers during the first invasion Loki started in New York, thanks to Fury recruiting the boy, and May found out about his powers due to that invasion.
May hasn't been doing well since late last year, and Peter has tried to support her as much as possible thanks to Mr. Stark paying him to be his lab assistant now. Peter dreads the thought of loosing May.

Peter passed out in Tony's arms, and with the end of the crying, and August still sleeping in Steve's arms, the family chose to migrate to Tony and Steve's king sized bed. They'd all talk in the morning.

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