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August was sat in the floor by Tony's feet, chewing on a plush block. He was completely oblivious to the doctor discussing his and Peter's new placements.
Peter, on the other hand, was sat between Steve and Tony, sitting up straight and bouncing his leg in anticipation. Steve puts a hand on Peter's shoulder and rubs on small circles. Steve happened to look over at Auggy and cleared his throat, getting Tony's attention to tell him to get the block out of August's mouth and replace it with a paci. That's the only thing that gains August's attention and it makes him fuss till he gets used to the pacifier.
"So you two are going to take on Peter as well?" The doctor asks. "Yes." Tony says looking from the doctor to Steve with a warm smile. Peter looked up at Steve then Tony looking some what surprised. The doctor smiles at the budding family.
"As I said, Peter is around the 2-3 age range. He'll be needing a few things that are different from what August needs." The doctor chuckles. "Obviously, seeing as August is around 6-18 months."
Peter had a smile on his face with a light blush as he listens intently.
"Could you recommend what we need to get for him?" Steve asks. "We've mostly been prepped for a younger little. I think the clothes we got can be shared between them though." With that Peter blushed a bit more as he looked at Auggy in the floor. He'd been wearing just his captain America t-shirt and his diaper.
"Well, you should ideally get a toddler bed that can convert to have bars incase he is a wanderer at night, along with a highchair for meal time, and pull-ups and training pants incase he's not diaper dependent." The doctor explains. Tony nods as he listens, typing out a shopping list on he's phone.
"Your home seems perfect otherwise. You have enough options with plenty of sippy cups, bottles, toys,  you two really are perfect to take on these two."
The couple beam with pride, and Tony plucks Auggy into his lap, the later's eyes were drooping slightly as it was almost his nap time. August coos and nuzzles under Tony's chin and facing Peter. Peter smiles at August and Steve wraps an arm around his shoulders.
"Thank you, doc." Steve says to the doctor.
The doctor smiles as he gets the paperwork ready, and everything was signed other than August's part, that would be filled out when he was in an older headspace and mailed back to the clinic. By the time the doctor left the tower August was out like a light over Tony's shoulder. Peter yawned getting Cap's attention.
"Can we get you dressed?" Steve asks. Peter nods and slowly gets to feet. Steve offers a hand and escorts him to the nursery. Tony smiled watching the two head down the hall as he sat on the couch, rubbing August's back. The small boy shivered so Tony grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch to cover him up.
Steve picked Peter up and sat him on the changing table. The tired boy looked at Steve with a puzzled expression. "You alright if I get you changed? I think a pull-up would be best till we know how young you regress to." The blond said gently. Peters expression wavers with uncertainty before slowly nodding. With that, Steve got to work getting the boy undressed. He dressed him in an iron man t-shirt and some gray sweats after quickly diapering him. Peters cheeks were a burning red, he couldn't believe this was actually happening.
The two walked to the living room. And Tony looked up with a smile, still holding a sleeping August. "You look cute." He said with a sincere look. Peter's face gained a darker shade of red as he looked to the ground. Steve gave a smile. "You should get him in his bassinet for his nap." He suggests. Tony looked at the unconscious boy in his arms. His mouth slightly agape as he let out small snores with his even breaths. "You're right." Tony sighed begrudgingly as he slowly got up. August whimpered at the movement and gripped Tony's shirt into his fists. "Shhh shhhh. Daddy's gottcha, Bud." Tony was quick to soothe in a hushed tone by August's ear.
This calmed the smaller boy enough for Tony to walk them towards the master bedroom, with Steve giving August a peck on the forehead as he walked by. The tall blond then diverted his attention to Peter.
"Are you thirsty?" He asks.
Peter nods, not meeting his eyes. "Yeah." He sounded so meek. Nothing like when he's Spider-Man. He's missing the confidence and snappy come-back's. That melted away the moment Captain America diapered him.
Steve chuckles slightly, before leading the boy to the kitchen. He gestures for him to sit in one of the dinning table chairs, and he does with obedience. Steve grabs a red sippy cup from a cabinet and fills it with apple juice before handing it to Peter.
Peters poor cheeks were practically glowing, but he couldn't refuse. This is what he's been wanting. Almost everything in him was telling him to let go.
He takes the sippy cup with a small "thank you" and takes a sip.
It's perfect.
There's no way a plastic cup could make juice taste better, is there?
At this point, that was the only logical answer.
Peter was drinking consistently. His eyelids droop as he slowly suckles at what could only be described as liquid magic. "Not too fast kiddo, don't wanna get a tummy ache do we?" Steve asks gently as he crouched slightly to Peters level. Their eyes meet, and Steve notices that Peter's eyes are practically glazed over as he continues to drink. "Wanna go to the living room, Bud?" He asks keeping his tone even. To Peter, Steve was really all he could focus on, but he seemed so distant. Peter outstretched a hand to Steve while making a grabbing motion. Steve's heart swells as he puts his arms under Peters armpits and hoists him up on his hip like second nature. Peters head falls on Steve's shoulder as he drinks, and he giggles behind the nipple of his cup. He strolls into the living room, sitting on the couch with the boy in his lap seemingly in bliss.
Tony wasn't far behind as he walked in just as Steve sat down. He sits next to Steve with a loving look as he looks down at Peter.
"So who's up for a movie?"

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