Chapter 7

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Quick note here, sorry the previous chapter seven accidentally got deleted. I hope you guys enjoy the rewrite as this is going to be different

After hours of being in the lab, Tony and Peter had reached a small lull and were taking a break. Peter was petting Peony while Tony checked the time. 6:04 pm. Steve was more then likely cooking dinner. He had a pretty predictable schedule and that helped Tony remember to take breaks and actually take care of himself.
"Alright kid, I think we've done enough today." Tony started as he stretched in his chair. "I think we should head up and eat." Peter stretched as well, and stood up with Peony in his arms as she purred loudly. "Ok Mr. Stark." Tony smiled at the kid. Once they were inside the elevator, Tony cleared his throat to speak. "Alright kid, I am confiding in you top secret information not even the other avengers know." Peter looked at him in awe still holding Peony. "And I am trusting you to keep quiet and not tell anyone. Not even that friend of yours, Ned." Peter nodded, excitement building in him. He couldn't believe Mr. Stark trusted him with such important information!
The elevator made it to Tony and Steve's floor, and a shout was heard before the doors slid open. Peter looked at Tony, who seemed to be calm. The living room of the floor showed no sign of life. Tony's face showed confusion, matching Peter's. Steve could be heard speaking down the hallway towards the rooms and Tony and Peter shared a look. Peony jumped from Peter's arms and was the first to walk towards the noise, with Tony shrugging and following. Peter looked a little concerned but straggled behind Tony warily.
They all stood in the door way of the nursery. Peter looked all over the room in awe. He hadn't seen this room before. Tony was leaning on the door frame lovingly watching as Steve smile and tickle Auggy, who was playing in a large play gym on the floor. Peter looked up at his mentor as he started to piece things together. Tony's smiled and nodded towards his husband and little boy as to say they should go back to watching.
Peony missed her master. August was her favorite person. So she made her way up to him and sat by his head. August turned his head to look at her and giggled. Steve saw where she came from and looked up at the door. He waved at the duo in the doorway smiling. Tony strode over to his husband and leaned down to give him a kiss. Peter stayed in the doorway. He was a little taken aback by the sight before him. Steve being shirtless made his cheeks flush and he was very interested in the little boy who was in the floor.
"So I'm guessing you haven't had much time to make dinner, huh?" Tony asked as he looked at Auggy. He was in his own world, kicking his feet and reaching for the toys that dangled above him. "Oh, shoot is it time for dinner already?" Steve asked himself in a bit of a mumble checking the time on his watch. "He's just been so small and I didn't want to just stick him in the playpen without some proper supervision." Steve absentmindedly rambled. "It's ok, hon. Me and Pete got him if you still wanted to make what you had in mind." Tony assured as he hoisted Auggy up in his arms, causing August to coo and get pulled out of his mindless playing. He looked at Tony curiously and snuggled into his side as he was placed on Tony's hip. Steve stood up as well. "Are you sure? We'd be eating a little late." "Yeah it'll be fine. We can wait, right Pete?" Answered Tony as he and Steve looked at Peter. He was caught of guard by the sudden attention.
"Erm, uh yeah! It's totally fine Mr. Rodgers!" Peter gave a smile and his cheeks grew redder as Steve approached the door and ruffled his hair. "Just Steve, kid. You're 21, you don't have to be so formal." And with that Steve made his way to the kitchen. Tony watched him walk away with a smile then turned his attention to Auggy, and was quick to get the pacifier that was clipped to his onesie to replace his fingers in his mouth. Peter looked to Tony almost frozen in place. Tony began to walk towards the door. "Let's go into the living room. That way you two can get more acquainted." Peter followed and they sat on the couch.
"This is August." Tony said lifting the boy up and readjusting him in his lap. Peter smiled at the boy. He looked so cozy in Tony's lap. August looked up at Peter with big green eyes and a curious expression on his face. His blond hair was neatly swept to the side. Pete could've sworn he's seen those eyes before. August made a grabbing motion towards Peter and this caused Tony to grin a little. "You wanna see Peter?" He asked as he got ready to transfer the boy to Peter's lap. "Uhm, Mr. Stark, are you sure that's a good idea?" Peter got tense as August was sat in his lap and he instantly wrapped his arms around him stiffly. "Relax, kid. I just want to make sure Steve doesn't need any help. I think you have some caregiving nature, I'll be back in a sec." And with that Tony was off the couch and August's social confidence went with him. He started to whimper in Peter's arms and his big green eyes looked up to Peter for help as they welled up with big tears that were threatening to spill.
"Hey hey shhh we're ok. He'll be right back." Peter quickly tried to sooth and bounce Auggy, but his anxiety was obvious in his tone. August whined more causing his pacifier to fall from his lips. He began squirming a little. Peter was still bouncing him as he looked around for anything that would help. He suddenly spotted a bunny plush with long arms and legs on the couch. It was the closest thing to him so he grabbed it. Hearing the rattling sound that came from it grabbed August's attention. He looked at it and reached for it.
"Here you go, little guy. I bet he missed you." Peter spoke as he handed Auggy the plush toy. Auggy sniffled, held the bunny close and snuggled into Peter's chest. He wasn't really thinking in his headspace. Everything's fuzzy right now and all he really recognizes is Daddy and Papa. But this new persons nice. They smell good at least. Peter offered him his binky and he happily accepted, babbling a little as he shook his bunny.

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