Chapter 8

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August giggled as he was dried off and sat on his changing table. He was so smiley even though both his new caregivers were looking at him with worry. Steve laid him down on the table and once Auggy looked up and saw the mobile over him, he was practically hypnotized. He was babbling and kicking his legs absentmindedly. Steve got him diapered easily and looked at his husband. "Did Fury say anything about those scars to you?" He asked with concern in his tone. "No he defiantly did not." Tony responded through grit teeth. Steve leaned on Tony and sighed. "There's some on his legs too." He commented.
"There's so many." Tony huffed. August started to fuss a little getting cold he looked to Steve and Tony and grabbed for them. Steve awed and scooped his boy up. "You cold sweetheart?" He asked bouncing Auggy. August completely forgot why he fussed for. He was happy snuggled up in his papa's arms. He was all warm and cozy, plus his chest felt like a pillow. He even started to drool a bit on Steve's shirt. Tony smiled looking at them. "I think he just wanted to be held. He looks like he's in heaven right now."
Steve looked at the boy in his arms and swayed. "He must feel really tiny." He said kissing the top of August's damp hair. August started chewing on Steve's shirt and looking up at him and Tony. "Can you get him some pjs? I don't wanna jostle him too much." Steve asked looking up at Tony with a smile. "Yes dear." He responded with a chuckle. He dug through the closet till he found the one thing he bought without Steve knowing. He grabbed it and a plain yellow onesie to wear under it.
"How about this?" Tony asked holding up a large Winnie the Pooh hooded sleeper. Steve gasped and smiled. "Oh Tony. I love it. I'm sure he's gonna look adorable!" Steve said as he moved Auggy back onto the changing table. He gurgled and wiggled his arms and legs. Steve gave him a red paci and he instantly started to suckle on it. Tony and Steve worked together to dress the boy and by the end Auggy looked exhausted and oh so cozy. Steve kissed Tony passionately as they stood over their sleepy baby. "It's perfect, hon." He mumbled hugging Tony close. Auggy whined softly kicking his feet and making grabby hands for them. He wants snuggles too. Tony cooed and picked him up.
"We should head back to Peter. You can put on a movie with him and Auggy, and I'll make a bottle and call Fury for some answers. God knows he's up." Tony laid out the game plan before peppering Auggy's face with kisses and passing him over to his happy papa. "Alright." Steve agreed as they walked out of the nursery. "Oh! And I invited Peter to stay the weekend by the way. I don't want him cooped up in that dorm all the time." Tony mentioned as they walked the hallway. Steve smiled at that. "That's great! I've missed sparing with him on Saturday's."
Peter was sat on the couch looking at his phone. He had changed into a plain t-shirt and dark blue sleep pants. "Hey Pete." Steve greeted as he plopped down on the couch with August in his lap. Peter jumped slightly, but smiled and sat his phone down. "Hi" he timidly responded. "We're gonna be watching a movie, you wanna pick?" Steve offered as he cradled August in his lap and leaned into the couch. "Yeah sure!" Peter enthused. "Oh, is everything ok with Auggy?" Peter asks looking at the boy who had a glazed over look just staring right at Peter. He looked so out of it. "Yeah he's ok." Steve responded as he bounced the little boy in his arms. "The bath just got him in a really tiny headspace. Tony got concerned about some scars that he found while cleaning him up." Steve continued looking down at his baby. Peter hummed at that and rubbed the boys knee in sympathy.
"You want to train with me tomorrow? I've missed my little sparing buddy." Steve changed the subject and nudged Peter a little with his shoulder. Peter smiled. He hadn't been called his sparring buddy for a good minute. He missed bonding with Steve. Since he saw Tony as a father, Steve was basically the fun mother hen. And Peter did like how Steve looked after him and Tony. If it wasn't for him, they'd probably be sleep deprived and have bad eating habits. "I'd love to!" He replied leaning on Steves shoulder.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Tony was heating a bottle for August and dialing Nicks phone. It rang three times before a grumpy Nick answered. "Why the hell are you calling me at 8:30? I just got Pietro to bed and you almost woke him up!" Nick whisper shouted into the phone. "Did you know about all of August's scars?" Tony got straight to the point. He was pretty pissed his precious baby boy had so many marks on him and if Nick knew what happened, maybe it'd make Tony less pissed. Nick sighed into the phone. "That I found out about earlier today." Nick answered finally.
Yup. Tony's pissed.
"Why didn't you let Steve and I know? What the hell happened? Was it his father?" Tony was rattling off in a bit of a panic. "Tony, calm down." Nick said sternly into the phone. I did some digging when I got back to our floor. I'd like to go through his medical records with you tomorrow. He can play with Pietro for a while and you and I can discuss all of the details. It's a long story."
Tony sighed. He thought it over, it didn't sound terrible, but he just wanted to know everything already. "Fine. Can we meet around noon?" He asked. "Yes that'll be fine." Nick agreed. "Now I'm going to bed. Good night Tony.." and right as the phone call ended, the bottle warmer beeped. He huffed and shook up the bottle, tested it on his wrist, then grabbed a towel from a draw and went to the living room.
"Ahhhhhh" Auggy giggled and was pulling on Steve's shirt. Peter was ticking his sides and Steve was helping. Tony just stared at this amazing sight. This is his family. This is all he's really wanted. August looked up and saw Tony. He squealed and reached up for him basically asking him to get him up. Tony made his way over to him quickly and swooped him out of Steve and Peter's tickling grasp with a roar.
Tony smothered his little boys face with kisses, and hugged him close. "Alright let's settle down." Tony announced as he sat on the other side of Peter, sandwiching him between Steve and himself. August was giggling slightly and snuggling into his daddy's warm embrace. "What're we watching?" Tony asked, as he and Steve looked at Peter for an answer.
"Um..." Peters cheeks grew warm and his gaze was stuck on his hands. "Friday, let's watch how to train your dragon." He finally said confidently. "Ok Peter." The A.I. responds as the large TV turns on and the movie loads. Tony replaces Augusts binky with the bottle and August let's out happy noises as he drinks. He feels so small and he likes being held. Peter snuggled into Steve's side as the movie started. Steve and Tony knew it was one of his favorites.

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