The Stocks (Jenlisa - GxG)

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Lisa rattled the cuffs around her wrists experimentally. They weren't too tight, almost loose, even. Definitely more of an aesthetic piece for the scene since she was already locked stiffly in the stocks. Her body was bent at a ninety-degree angle, with her neck and lower arms trapped between the wooden planks that her partner had secured with an oversized padlock. Heavy chains were draped over the stocks, her back and the floor.

She pulled a face at Jennie, displaying her feeling of overkill clearly for the domme to see. Jennie looked her over slowly, but did not respond. Lisa huffed and blew away the rogue strands of hair hanging in her face.

Her hips and ass were pointed up dutifully, presenting herself for inspection. Jennie circled her slowly. The crack of a wooden paddle hit her with demonic force.

Lisa jolted so hard the wood around her shook.

"Fuck!" she yelped.

Her bare feet skittered on the floor and her cheeks throbbed. Her girlfriend had a hell of a swing on her. The chains lying over her back slid across her skin as she regained her composure, raising goosebumps wherever the cool metal brushed her.

"That word sounds familiar," Jennie cooed. Slowly gliding back into Lisa's field of vision again. "You wouldn't be using a word off the naughty list, would you?"

The naughty list. A chalkboard of words not to be uttered in the playroom. Pretty much all curse words were on there, plus workplace terminology.

"I didn't mean to!" Lisa argued. "It was an accid-" Jennie's eyes flashed and she quickly switched tactics. "I'm sorry! I won't do it again, I swear."

"There's only one way to guarantee that," Jennie sighed. Lisa hated when her domme sounded disappointed in her. It fucked with her head.

She watched Jennie return to their toy trunk and pull a small item out. Lisa's cunt clenched, but she pretended to resist for the sake of the game. Fighting back felt almost as good as losing. She flung her head from side to side as far as the stocks would allow. Jennie snatched her jaw and pulled it up, forcing her head back. She had a titanium grip, and Lisa strained within it. She kicked her feet helplessly as the gag was strapped around her head. Drooling over her domme's leather gloves where her mouth was forced open. Once it was secured, Jennie gave her face a sharp slap.

Lisa moaned around the plastic ball. She loved having her mouth full. It soothed her deep inside to be able to lock her teeth around something and whine and groan freely.

While she was getting accustomed to the thick ball between her lips, Jennie had slunk behind the stocks again. If her mouth weren't full, Lisa would grin like a hyena at the idea that popped into her head. She listened to her domme's footsteps. Tracking an approximate location. There.

She kicked out with her left leg as far she could reach and swung her foot back. Miss.

A leather-gloved hand caught her ankle and yanked her upwards. Lisa's right foot slipped across the smooth floor as her balance was snatched away. Jennie kept her fingers curled around Lisa's ankle, but approached with slow steps. Just the sound of her boots on the stone floor told Lisa everything she needed to know. Jennie was going to get her back, even if she had missed.

Jennie allowed her hand to slide down Lisa's leg, opening her palm wider and wider, but always maintaining her grip. When she reached her knee, she pulled it out as far from her other leg as it would stretch.

Lisa groaned at the pull. The muscles around her groin ached.

A firm slap ran down her spread lips, catching her clit. Lisa howled around the gag. Her free leg jittered and her captured one twisted in Jennie's grasp. Jennie slapped her again. And again. The slick dribbling from Lisa's hole gave every hit a wet sound that filled the space. She was competing against her own cunt to be the loudest in the room. She cried out with every strike. Both the gag and her slit soaked themselves.

Two fingers entered her. Filling her. Supple leather grazing her spongy insides.

Jennie kicked her free leg open wider. She bared Lisa as completely as her flexibility would allow. Her fingers dug deeper, rocking in and out. Lisa rolled her hips to match the thrusts of her domme's fingers and the stocks creaked with them. She would have begged for more if her mouth weren't full.

She was so close. But her itch wasn't scratched. She threw her hips back, desperate for more fingers, more speed, more depth. Her clit was burning, screaming out to be pressed like an emergency button.

Jennie retracted her fingers suddenly. A squelching sound accompanied their departure, and Lisa groaned. She squeezed her hands into fists either side of her face and did her best to shake the stocks in frustration.

She earned herself another thwack across the ass with the paddle.

Jennie released her leg and Lisa stumbled for a moment as she found her footing again.

"The stocks are a punishment, not a reward," she said. Condescension thick in her tone.

Lisa was grateful she couldn't see her roll her eyes. Her skin was still smarting from the last hit.

"But maybe you can earn yourself a reward by testing out my other new purchase."

Lisa's ears pricked up. She had noticed there were two large packages delivered to their house, but had assumed the stocks came in parts to be put together.

A cardboard box was lifted. Something heavy was shuffled along the floor in long pushes. A plug was switched on. The blunt head of a thick plastic dildo was pressed to Lisa's core. She giggled excitedly and writhed back against it. Jennie pried her lips open with two fingers and a soft beep rang out.

The toy plunged into her. And back out. And in again. It filled her just enough, but the speed was too slow and the power not strong enough.

"This is the first setting," Jennie announced. She wandered back to the front of the stocks. "Seven more to try." She stretched her arms over her head and yawned dramatically. "But, I have things to do. Good thing it comes with this handy remote." She waved a small rectangle under Lisa's nose. "You can test it for me, and tell me all about it when you're done."

Lisa's eyes widened. She was leaving her there. At the mercy of a machine. It equally terrified her and turned her on. Before she could think too hard about it, Jennie was already gone.

Time became sludge to Lisa.

She was on the first setting, edged to madness, for what felt like hours.

Second setting was quicker. It hit good spots, but still not enough.

Third setting had her screaming and drooling freely, hanging over orgasm by a thread but never getting there.

The fourth setting churned her insides. She came once and cried with it.

Fifth, sixth and seventh were a haze of orgasms and overstimulation.

By the eight and final mode, Jennie returned.

Lisa couldn't have said a word even if she weren't gagged. She was slumped in the stocks. Her front half held up at the neck and wrists by the wooden stand. Her back half was being bounced on the plastic cock. Her legs had given up. Her toes brushed the floor in time with the pumps into her tired, twitching hole.

Jennie spanked her through two more climaxes until finding an ounce of mercy for her sweaty, slick-covered, drooling, tear-streaked girlfriend. She was released. And immediately burrito bundled in a blanket.



Never again would she-

A week later and Lisa was ready to start it all again. Jennie shook her head and dragged the sub to their playroom by the collar

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