This Isn't Right (Destiel)

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He's silent for a few seconds, just staring at me.

'Eat. Or I'll ruin all of your stupid spell books.'

'Touch the books and I will end you!'

'Like you will.'

'I'll make sure you have nothing left.'

'Bite me.'

He glares at me as I take a sip of my coffee, looking everywhere except in his direction. He's sending a lot of threats through our telepathic connection.

After a few minutes, I finally meet his gaze and give in. The threats were starting to get annoying and mildly concerning.

"Fine, give."

He pushes the plate further into my direction and I dig in. It tastes great actually. But why does it feel a little off?

I shrug it off before taking one more bite. I then push it back to him.

"There. I ate."

Dean looks at me like I'm an idiot. Which I probably am. . .

"Your not an idiot. You just don't understand the concept of self-care or personal well-being."

I ignore him and take out my wallet while Dean takes a look at our receipt. "Hm. . . not bad."

I set down the coupon and money, then we get up and leave.




"Hey, Cas? I think I might have eaten something bad."

"Why is that, Dean?"

"My stomach feels weird. I don't know. Maybe something it didn't agree with and now it's acting weird?

"What is it? Chocolate?" I joked, smiling. He looks up at me and, becoming very concerned, I stopped smiling.

His face is a little flushed and he's panting, looking at me weirdly.

"Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?"

Now that he's said it, I realize I feel a little warm. I go to check the temperature. "It isn't exactly cold, but it's definitely not hot in here. . . And today was a cloudy day, with quite a breeze. . ."

Whatever it was, it wasn't affecting me as bad as it was Dean.

Speaking of Dean, he looks like he realized something. He sighs.

"Didn't someone warn us to not eat any of the desserts?"

"I believe Benny did. Why?"

"What is the one thing we shared today?"

"The pie. . ."

"Well, whatevers happening to us is pie's fault."

"Guess that's the last time we get pie from Biggersons."

Dean let's out a small, 'Awww dammit,' before getting up and throwing a punch at the wall. "Why did it have to be the pie?!"

"Dean, calm down. It's just pie, we can get it at the store."

He turns to me and goes silent, he looks down, then up. I realize he looks a little different, and rub my eyes.

He is a little more attractive than he was a few seconds ago. And, since Dean ate most of the pie, I look like a frickin tasty snack. Apparently.

"Dean, calm down," I say, slowly backing away as he approaches me.

I fall onto the couch and he gets on top of me. I push him to the side and try to get up and leave. He pulls me back onto him, making me face him.

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