A New Friend, Maybe? (Sabriel)

193 6 2

Destiel briefly mentioned
Relationship Status: Aquaintances
Sam P.O.V

I open my eyes, trying to get used to the light. I struggle as I realize I've been tied to a chair. "Dammit!"

I look around, trying to make sense of where I am. It's a surprisingly nice room, very bright though. Some expensive furniture, as well as shelves filled with various objects. A table was in front of me, dozens of sweets on it. No door in sight, unfortunately.

"Looks delicious, right Sammy?" a familiar voice asked. "Gabriel. . ."

Gabriel appears directly in front of me. "We saw you die. . . How are you alive?"

He shrugs, giving me a devious smirk.

"I honestly don't know but, even if I did, I wouldn't tell ya. Sorry Sam!"

"Why am I here?"

"What? I can't have my fun?"

"Not when your version of fun is kidnapping people!"

"Oh, trust me. You're the only one I've kidnapped and plan on keeping."

I give Gabriel a confused look as he turns around to take a cupcake from the table. He studies it, turning it around in his hand. He doesn't say anything for a few minutes, just keeps staring at it. From what I can see, it's just a normal cupcake. A vanilla one, with pink icing and sprinkles on top. He turns around to me again.

"Would you like a cupcake? Just kidding it's mine. But your free to eat if you want!"

"I can't exactly do that if I'm tied to a chair, Gabriel."

"Good point, Sammy."

He snaps his fingers and the ropes are gone, but so is he. I get up and look around. There's a door in the far corner behind me, just out of my sight when I was stuck in the chair. I quickly head to it and, expecting it to be locked, turn the knob.

Surprisingly, it's unlocked. I swing it open only to find out it's a bedroom.

I see another door and head to it, hoping it actually leads outside. It's not locked either, but when I open it, it's just a bathroom.

"You actually thought I would give you a way out of here? Wow, you are just hilarious! I don't understand why Castiel, of all angels, is so fond of you two. Well, more Dean than you. I don't really understand that. Castiel doesn't have much of a good taste in men, does he?"

"What are you trying to say here, Gabriel?"

"Nothing, just that Dean's not worth his time."

Just as I was about to ask what Gabriel meant, he disappears with a snap of his fingers. Again. Great, now I'm left with nothing but a bedroom, a bathroom, and sweets. Oh wait, there's a mini fridge and a night stand.

Wait a minute, is that a bookshelf? It's a small bookshelf. I look at one of the titles.

'Supernatural. Really? Even he's reading them.'

"Good books, am I right?"

I turn around and glare at him. He clasps his hands together, chuckling. He looked down and sighed. He looks back up at me, faking a smile.

"Not a fan, hm. . . alright then."

He clapped and motioned to the shelf. It was a much bigger bookshelf. I took a book out and looked at the cover.

"I noticed you read a lot of lore but, other than that, I don't know what else. So, I just got a bunch of other genres. Child books, horror, fantasy, I even got fanfiction if that's what you prefer."

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