Chapter 7 The Truth ___________________________

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Chapter 7

The Truth


(Retio's POV)

.."Babe?! You know her ,Retio?!" Adelard says frustrated. I look at Adelard and say "She's my ex..I broke up with that psycho when I found out she was engaged to some man..I'm guessing that man was you..". Anthony holds me tighter and starts crying. "He looks like you, Retio..our son reminds me a lot of you.." Fluer says as she looks into my eyes. Adelard looks at her with disbelief, "You're f**king telling me that ANTHONY IS NOT MY SON!". I stand there as Fluer looks at me, "Please Retio tell him to calm down".

I scoff and look at her, "Y'know what, Im taking my son away from a b**ch like you, you don't deserve the love we've given you, I'd rather be with Adelard than you".

I see Adelard out of the corner of my eye looking quite surprised but pleased looking at what I had said which made me feel something I wasn't sure what though. "Ey, We're getting a divorce, pack ur stuff and leave my house!" Adelard says in a cold tone. Fluer starts tearing up, "But b-bay, i love you, I need to stay here!". Adelard rolls his eyes and walks towards Fluer giving her a little hope. Adelard grabs her hand as Fluer thinks she has been forgiven but just then he slides the ring that once lied in her hand "I believe thing belongs to my future wife". "N-no but baby it's a d-diamond!" Fluer says. "Like I give a f**k".

I hear Anthony sobbing at my feet. I kneel down and pick him up as the yelling grew louder, it was too unsettling for a kid as small as Anthony.We walk out and Anthony grabs on me tighter as do i hold him tighter as i never knew something as bad as this could've happened.

I took Anthony outside in the yard to get his mind off of what had just happened. "W-why is m-mommy and daddy yel-ling? I heard Anthony barely making out the words as he was sobbing through them. " You don't need to worry about that!,mhm how about this" i say as i pick up a ball on the deck " We can play catch!How about that?" Anthony starts smiling and wipes his tears off his face "O-ok!" we threw the ball to each other for a while.After a while Anthony was back to his normal cheerful self just then i saw Fluer and Adelard near the door they were both yelling at each other.Fleur had a suitcase in her hand..

Fluer had been officially kicked out, but she would be in and out as some of her stuff still remained i guess.Fleur left the house and Adelard sat at the table looking frustrated "f**king b*tch" he said under his breath "A-adelard? I-i'm sorry about what happened b-but i swear to god that b*tch told me she was single when we me-". "It's fine, really it's not your fault.." he says with a sigh " and thank you..". "For what?" I say with confusion "for taking care of Anthony" he says with great sadness "i-its no big deal, he's actually a fun kid... so?, what happened with you and Fluer?.." i say hoping to get an answer "*sigh* she wants..full custody of Anthony.."...I look at him "O-oh" i say as i don't have a response. Adelard soon started to cry "s-sh*t* he'd say under his breath repeatedly i then decided to give him a hug , he hugged me back "let it all out its okay, sometimes it's best to let it out" he started pouring tears.. Letting out all his pain that he'd been keeping in these past hours.He hugs me tighter and i get overwhelmed by the energy in the room i also let out a few tears, Anthony then walks in and joins the group hug of tears ''d-daddy?, why are you crying?, daddy no sad!hmph!" We both lock eyes and share a smile.

End Of Chapter 7

To be Continued..

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