Ava narrowed her eyes. "Oh, is that what I saw? I thought I witnessed you going for blood against your college-era nemesis." She let out a chuckle that Cherie echoed.

Maybe it had been mean of me to allude to Letty's flagging viewership and declining media spots with that dig about her having time to kill, but the woman was an entitled bully. She had spent the better part of the taping trying to paint my pro bono defendant as someone who "fit the profile."

I tucked away a smile of agreement with the twins. Yes, I had gone for blood against Letty, but that was our business, and we had a guest. I gave a nod to the client idling at the backgammon table across the room. Cherie tucked a lizard she had gotten from somewhere into her pocket, and skipped over to our visitor, while I answered the phone vibrating against the ceramic planter of the pothos on my desk.

"Mal Ashivant speaking."

"Mm, I always forget that you sound as delectable on the phone as you are in person," a silky male voice replied.

Lips tightening, I straightened in the high-back leather chair. "Careful, Darcy. I bite back." I softened my inflection. "Anyway, you're just the person I wanted to chat with. I'm reviewing the contract we signed on the first, and I wanted to confer with you on the benefits."

"Your pro bono has RSVP'd to the party I'm throwing next Friday. Phase one is a go. Have your car pick him up at eleven, and clear your schedule. You'll be his escort," Darcy Cyprian spoke over me.

I paused at the way the billionaire, commanding his investments from his metropolitan condo, thought he owned me, too. "About that contract. Upon completion of our arrangement, the law firm needs to stand independent of you."

"Of course, beloved. Once I get what I need, I won't require your services any longer. Make sure Jack is treated to an unforgettable experience."

I caught Ava's eye as I lowered my voice to a whisper. "You know I'll do my part, Darcy. The question is, will you do yours? I want the deed to the house, full control of the firm, and Cherie's trust fund relinquished to me. Are we clear?" Ava swirled her wine with a subtle nod. I inclined my head to her.

"Never doubt me, pet. Did you enjoy the treat I sent you?" he asked.

My gaze slid to our guest, engrossed in a one-sided flirtation with a disinterested Cherie. He was paying no mind to my conversation. I returned to the call. "Getting to it as we speak."

"Then, don't let me keep you. Bon Appétit," Darcy signed off.

Swiveling and rising from the office chair with a teeth-baring smile, I eased on my heels and smoothed the jacquard pantsuit. "Terribly sorry, Mr. Bingham. When we invited you for dinner, it seems we double-booked. Thank you so much for being patient," I greeted our visitor.

"No apology necessary. I wouldn't have missed a private invitation to y'alls place for another pardon. You girls didn't go to too much trouble getting ready for me now, did you?" Stratford Bingham burrowed weasel-like eyes into the hills and hollows of my body as I drew near.

With a smarmy grin, Ava culled his attention. "No, you're no trouble, Mr. Bingham."

"I can be trouble if y'all want me to be," he drawled. My sister offered a glass of wine, which he took as he sized her up. Her thin body wore a dusky rose midi dress to perfection. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this invite? What can I do for you ladies?"

She settled on the slate gray ottoman at his shins, forever the coquette. "Well..." She let the word linger and flicked a glance at me. I halted beside his chair. Cherie parked her elbows on the backgammon table and rested her chin on her palms, staring at the man.

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