crush x reader: arcade pt. 2

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We opened the door to the arcade. It was huge! A bowling alley, the arcade games, a restaurant area, and a bunch of cool prizes! My eyes lit up as we slowly walked to the counter. I looked around in amazement. "Two please!" C/N said. I was barely paying attention to him. I then got interrupted by C/N grabbing my hand so that the cashier could put a wristband on my wrist. I said thank you and we made our way to the arcade games. I said to C/N, "Sorry i wasn't paying attention. This place is huge! I couldn't keep my eyes off it." He laughed at said, "It's fine. The cashier didn't care. Plus, i got to hold your hand ;)" I laughed and shrugged it off. I saw this VR headset game while we were walking around the arcade, and begged C/N to try it out. The game was Beat Saber, and he was decent at it. I tried it for myself, and I think i did pretty good. We did all the other basic games, like skee ball and the basketball hoops. We only had an hour of playtime, according to C/N. So i tried to play as many games as I could. I had to try and get a plushie from the claw machines, but was unsuccessful in the process. C/N laughed at me and tried to console me at the same time. It didn't help. Before I knew it, our hour was up. We gathered all our tickets together and counted. "2,135. Impressive!" The cashier said. We looked at each other in amazement. I said "You pick one big prize and I pick one big prize." I picked a huge squishmallow, and C/N got a Charmander plushie. I would've gotten one if it was a different pokémon. We used the rest of our tickets to get a bag of candy. The cashier handed us our bill. That's when i realized: I forgot my wallet. I panicked inside, but tried to play it off.

As we got to the car, we stuffed our plushies into the backseats and set the candy in the front. "Alright! So you owe me...30 bucks. Sound good?" C/N said. I avoided eye contact and said, "I uh...forgot my wallet." C/N sighed and said, "Well, guess you'll have to pay me with your body." I knew he was kidding by the way he said it. But being as petty as I was, I said, "Well, the car isn't the best place. But if you say so." I rolled my sleeve down my shoulder. I saw C/N's eyes widen. "Y/N-!" He reached over to me and covered my chest. "I was kidding! Plus people are here!" I started laughing hysterically. C/N gave me a dirty look. "So you're going to play that game, huh." He sat back in his seat. "Hey, I was just messing with you, sorry i-" My sentence got interrupted by a kiss. C/N had his hands around my head and pulled me into a kiss. I grabbed his face and pulled it closer. I was flustered, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. C/N broke out of our kiss and smiled. "I've always wanted to do that." He said. I giggled and gave him a hug. Physical touch isn't my favorite thing, but a hug was just what I needed. He made me feel safe, and I wanted him to know that.

On our drive to my house, C/N rested his hand on my thigh and rubbed it with his hand. His touch still gave me goosebumps. I was pretty worn out, so I rested my head in the seatbelt. I must've taken a quick nap, because before i knew it, we arrived at my house. "Well, we're here. Thanks so much for today. I...really enjoyed my time with you." C/N said. "Do you want to stay in my house for a little bit? We can eat dinner if you want." I asked. He politely declined, saying "I'm alright. My cat is waiting for me at home and it's his dinner time. But thank you for the offer. I'll see you next time." I waved goodbye, and got up to my door. Before I got in, I waved again. This man has my whole heart. When I got inside, I laid on the couch, and just reminisced on the day. I hope we get to do this again.

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