crush x reader: pool party (sorta spicy 🌶)

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Another boring day of summer break. I hate to admit it, but summer was always boring. I get vacation and whatnot, but that's only for a week. After that, nothing interesting happens. Until now—C/N invited me to a pool party! When I got the text from my friend that I was invited, I felt happy but nervous. I hate swimsuits since I never seem to find one that fits me, or one that just feels right. But wearing them in front of my crush?! Even worse. Self-confidence wasn't something I particularly had. C/N always seems confident. I'm kind of jealous. The pool party was supposed to be a week from today. Thank God. At least I have time to prepare myself. "Mom, Can I go to a pool party next week? B/F/N will be there!" I yelled across the house. "Sure, honey. What time?" Mom responds. didn't expect her to say yes. "Oh, uh, I think 3:00?" I answered. "Alright then. Just make sure adults are there to keep you safe!" I hear my mother yell. Phew. I honestly didn't have many swimsuits to wear, but I also did not want to go to the store. I just picked one piece out of my drawer. It was black and light purple, pretty simple. "Why am I even picking a swimsuit? It's a week away!" I think to myself. Ugh, I'm getting too excited.

A week went by—surprisingly fast. I guess the anticipation made it go by quicker. I texted my best friend:

2:30 P.M.

Y/N: Hey! When should I get to C/N's house?

B/F/N: Heyyy! Do you need me to pick you up?

Y/N: Oh my god, rn? Uhm... can you pick me up? Your mom's car is cooler.

B/F/N: Sure, sure, sure.

Oh my god. It's really happening. I put my swimsuit on, packed some extra clothes, and waited by the door. I was getting way too excited—I knew B/F/N wouldn't be here for about 10 minutes, but I couldn't care less at this moment. I just wanted to see C/N. "What are you waiting by the door for?" My mom says She caught me off guard, which made me flinch. I quickly turn to my mom and say, "It's the pool party today! B/F/N's mom is picking me up. Is that okay?" "Shoot! I forgot that it was today. Yeah, that's fine!" She replies. I was worried she had changed her mind. I'm lucky she didn't.

I hear B/F/N's car pull up, and I excitedly open the door and run out. Her mom opens the back seat door for me and I hop in. "Hiiiiiiii! Aren't you excited?" B/F/N says. "Of course I am!" I replied. I was really excited. We were heading towards C/N's house, and B/F/N and I talked along the way. Mostly about C/N. When we got there, I ran out of the car, thanked B/F/N's mom, and knocked on the door. I saw C/N walk up to the door. The reality was finally hitting—I was going to have to see C/N shirtless. My face turned red and I started to get nervous. C/N opened the door. I was practically going to faint. He welcomed us both in and showed us around. B/F/N eventually left the tour, leaving just C/N and I. He showed me the bathroom, his bedroom, and the pool. Woah! I didn't realize how big the pool actually was. C/N was making small talk, which made me more nervous. I already didn't know how to talk to him anyway. Everyone was outside by the pool, either swimming or suntanning.

"Wanna go swimming?" C/N says I quickly turned my head towards him and said, "Sure! I just need to put my stuff down and—" I get cut off by C/N pushing me into the pool. I'm lucky I let go of my stuff before he pushed me. "Hey! What was that for?" I yell. Everyone turned to me. I saw C/N laughing. "No reason. I just felt like it. If it makes you feel any better, I'll jump in too. " I wipe my hair out of my eyes and scoff. I noticed that everyone just went back to what they were doing. Before I could say anything, he jumped into the pool and I got splashed right in the face. "Ow... right in my eyes." I rub my eyes until I feel hands around my waist. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to." C/N apologized. I was frozen in place. His hands were still around my waist. "Oh, uhm... I'm fine! My eyes just burned a little." I say. He moved his hands to my face and wiped the water off. "Is that any better?" He said. My face was bright red. The feeling of his hands moving up my body made me freeze up. I move my hair out of my face once more and say, "Thanks. I'm alright now..!" He noticed how nervous I was. He smirked and said, "You nervous?" My eyes widened as he moved his hands back down to my waist. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I realized he was staring at me with a wide grin across his face. "We should take this somewhere else. Some places where there aren't as many people." I glance around and say, "What are you getting at?" He grabbed my wrist and took me to the ledge of the pool. We both climbed up and sat down. I took a deep breath and sighed. C/N got up and signaled for me to get up. I slowly got up. My knees were weak and I was cold, so that didn't help. C/N grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. "Thanks." I said, smiling. C/N smiled back. I felt butterflies again. Suddenly, he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door. "Ow! What are you doing?" I whisper, trying not to attract attention. He doesn't answer.

He opens the door and drags me in with him. As he closes the door, he says, "Want to take it to my room?" He winks. "What...?" I say, confused. "I'll take that as a yes." He grabbed my hand once again and pulled me towards his room. Thoughts were racing through my head. Time seemed to go by slower than usual, as if it was going in slow motion. We reached his room, and he welcomed me inside. I took a quick look around. It was pretty boring, if I'm being honest. All of a sudden, he grabs my hands and pushes me against the wall. I look up at him, my face red and hot. I was frozen—I didn't know what to do. He loosens his grip and says, "Caught you off guard, didn't I?" He seemed proud of what he had done. I roll my eyes. I didn't know what to say, so I just looked at him. "Why do you keep looking at my muscles?" He said, smiling. "What? No, I'm not! You have me in a death grip here, so I don't have anything else to do." I scoffed. "They're pretty to look at, I'll give you that." He says. He started to move his hands back down to my waist. I took a deep breath and sighed. My hands were finally free! But, I was getting tired of the same moves. "You're not making any progress here," I say. He looks at me, confused, and says, "What? Do you want me to kiss you or something?" "Maybe. Just touching me isn't making much progress, you know." I say it confidently. He looked offended at what I said. "Well, go on then. Kiss me." He remarked. I felt flustered. I didn't think he actually wanted to kiss me. "Why don't you do it? Since you're so confident and whatever." I said. "Fine then. I will." He leaned down, put his hands on my cheeks, and kissed me. My eyes were wide open, but his eyes were closed. I stood still. I couldn't move. He leaned back and smiled at me. I looked right back at him. "Want to go back to the pool? Your friend probably misses you." He suggested. "Aw, but I was having fun." I whined. C/N laughed and smiled. He then grabs my hand and pulls me in for another kiss. "Thanks for today. I had a good time. Now let's get back to the pool! My friends are probably wondering where I am." C/N says "Fineeee." I reply.

We raced each other to the pool. I met B/F/N there, who said, "I was looking all over the place for you! Where were you?" "Nowhere..." I said, averting my eyes. "Whatever. Let's just get in the pool! " We both jump in. I see C/N waving at me. I wave back. I turn back to B/F/N, who's talking to her crush. I give her a thumbs up and decide to go over to C/N. "Hey Y/N! C/N can't stop talking about you. What were you guys doing while we were out here?" C/F/N says. I see C/N rolling his eyes at C/F/N. "Oh, nothing..." I elbow C/N and wink. "Ooooooh!" C/N's friends shove C/N around and laugh among themselves. I shrugged my shoulders and swam back over to B/F/N, who was waiting for me. The day went on normally from here. I had a little more fun than I thought.

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