Chapter 5 | Xenia

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Morning came soon after. Both of us went to bed but I didn't get much sleep after. The Dream just kept popping up into my mind.

   The sun was bright and warm considering it was winter. It shone just ahead of us, the sky beginning to turn orange. We began to walk towards Dayton around 1. 

    I was sweating a little so I took my hoodie off. My tank top hung low and the sweater covering my arms and back.

    "We're in Xenia now. We should have about 3 more hours left." Elise squinted, the sun blinding her.

"Okay, let's stop for a quick pee break, been holdin' it for about an hour now."

We walked towards a close by supermarket. We pulled out our guns, marching in and making a quick sweep of the store to make sure no one was there.

"Looks clear, Imma go pee now." I blurted and sprinted towards the back.


After our break, we sprinted towards the near by forest. I always told Elise that it was better to have somewhere to hide then to be in the empty streets, basically yelling at the Silencers to shoot us.

We weaved through the trees, avoid any attention. Still our breathing brought attention to me, the crunching of leaves, and thumping of dirt, all drew my attention.

    Something wasn't right, I heard another pair of footsteps. I didn't stop, instead I looked over at Elise, she had the same look in her eyes.

The sound of a gun going off scared the living shit out of me while I pushed Elise out of the way and into a tree.

Without exposing myself too much, I looked around, there was no one in sight. There was no use, they'd already seen us. "How many rounds you have left?"

Elise was hiding behind another tree. She was biting her lip, concentrating.

She'd already pulled her gun out checking the rounds. Held up three fingers, that's how many rounds she had left. Fuck.

I poked my head out again, wood blasted all over my face. I ducked back behind the tree. Fuck, that was close.

My heart was racing. Elise looked panicked. "We have to run."

"Where the fuck are we gonna go." She got angry at me. A click coming from her gun.

I hated this but with three rounds, I wasn't to sure we could pick off the bitch and run for our lives. Neither of us were that skilled.

    Okay, I had to think quickly. "The last shot came from somewhere else." Elise whispered.


"The bullet came from a different direction."

"Fuck, okay, let's risk it, don't shoot until they shoot." I pulled my gun out- the one I'd taken from the man I killed.

I held up four fingers, for rounds. She nodded. "On three?"

"On three." The words came out quaky. I held up one finger, then two. With a last huff of air that left my lungs, I held up three.

I sprinted as fast as I could, throwing each foot in front of the other. The leaves and twigs crinkling and cracking with each step.

The sun sunk below the horizon, it was beginning to get dark. If we couldn't see in the dark, we were fucked. Although there was still plenty of light, I was still worried I wouldn't be able to see.

Another shot went off and a sharp pain stabbing the side of my right thigh. I took a step with my right leg, breaking my sprint. My leg was weak, my knee gave out.

I cry in pain, dropping to the ground- catching myself with my arms before the ground impacted my face. My ears began to ring, my eyes became blurry, and my body left limp.

"Lina!" Her voice was muffled. Elise, I have to get up, I have to do this for her. Her arms snaked around my torso.

I gathered up all my strength and stood up. Waves of pain shooting through my body as I put pressure onto my leg.

My breathing felt heavier, almost unbearable. The pain kept shooting threw my body with each step. But I kept running, Elise hoisted me up, supporting me with every step.

"You're slowly us down, can you do it yourself." She grunted, Even if I was shorter than her but I was still heavier than her.

I nodded and let go of her shoulders. I tired to sprint as fast as I could but I could only get a jog out. Elise was already ahead of me, she looked behind me, held her gun up and shot the Silencer. A yelp and a loud thump was heard from behind me. I turn around, a man laid on the floor.

    "Go." She shouted. The next few minutes where a blur. All I saw was a man land on him heels just feet in front of me. He came from the trees, almost like a bat from a cave, hidden in the dark for the perfect time to look for its prey. He was heading towards me, full speed. He didn't even hold a gun. I reached into my pocket and waited till he got closer. Just as he was a foot away from me I switched my blade out and waited for his momentum, but he was smarter and swerved around my blade.

    I swung the butt of my blade onto his ribs. I missed but the blade somehow caught onto his sweater and slit a hole just by the mans' rib. With that he swung his elbow down into my rib, causing me to yelp out in pain and drop to the floor. The air nocked out of my lungs.

    A loud pop filled my ears. The sound of a bullet, that could've been aimed at me. The man jumped on top of me and pinned my arms under his knees.

    I yelled out using all my force to get him off of me. But my weakened state didn't help me. He had me pinned to the ground and he sat on my chest, I felt suffocated. I looked over, looking for Elise, I wanted her to be okay.

    "NOO." She screeched. My lungs suddenly felt release, as a loud 'ump' escapes the lips of the unknown man that attempted to end my life.


Hey guys! I hope you liked it so far, please don't forget to leave any suggestions if you have any, I would really appreciate it.

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