
At the sound of Sierra's voice, Grace lifted her head. "Sierra?"

Sierra's eyes fluttered open, meeting green eyes filled with anticipation. She groaned against the dulling pain in her chest but relaxed at the touch of Grace's forehead against hers. Suddenly, she felt nothing but serenity. They peered into each other, their breaths mingling. "You came back to us." Grace managed in a low whisper. She couldn't believe it.

"Well, it would have been wicked of me to go after all that begging you did."

Grace smiled, but it was void of humour or life. She stroked Sierra's cheek and dragged her thumb across the woman's lips... "You almost killed me. Emilie is still in shock."

Sierra's eyes left Grace's to find Emma. She frowned, seeing Emma's unfocused eyes and statue-like demeanour. She pulled herself up, coming face to face with the taller brunette. "How do I get her to snap out of it?"

Grace kneeled beside Sierra, both of them staring at Emma. "Put your forehead against hers and repeat after me. After that, you kiss her."

Sierra looked at Grace, confused. "Huh?"

Grace rolled her eyes. "Trust me."

"Alright." Sierra met Emma's forehead, gazing into her eyes. She repeated after Grace, speaking words she sure wasn't any language on earth. When she was done, she pressed her lips against Emma's.

A flash of a green glow made her scoot back, her heart drumming. "What was that?"

Grace took Sierra's place directly before Emma. "That was your mate bond. It has solidified. You're married now."

Before Sierra could ask Grace what she meant, her forehead touched Emma's, and she repeated the exact words Sierra did. Sierra watched them, seeing Grace's hesitation to kiss Emma.

"It's okay," Sierra assured her.

"I don't need your permission." She responded.

Sierra frowned. "Gee, thanks."

Grace sighed. "I don't know how she feels about this right now," Grace explained. "I can't feel her when she's like this."

"So we bring her back and then ask her."

Grace chuckled. "She might punch me in the face."

"Well deserved."

Grace frowned, a sigh escaping from her breath. With her eyes fluttering close, she took Emma's lips into a slow kiss. The feeling was familiar to her, the bond between a mate and a mate. It threatened to consume her, begging her not to pull back, and she almost gave in.

Just when she found the strength to pull away, she felt Emma respond and witnessed the confirmation of the green glow for a second time since they met. Emma's hands found Grace's face, cradling it as she quickly took control of the kiss. Sierra gawked at them, a feeling of excitement engulfing her rather than jealousy.

She cleared her throat, gaining both their attentions. Grace slipped away from Emma with a shy blush, highlighting her features. Emma's eyes found Sierra, her hands following. Sierra fell into her touch, slipping between her and Grace. Emma wrapped her arms around Sierra's body, wrapping a protective layer around her, too. She kissed the top of Sierra's head, whispering in her ear. "Don't you ever do that again. I thought I lost you."

Sierra grinned. "Did you cry? Grace begged."

Grace rolled her eyes. Emma chuckled, a lie forming on her tongue. "I didn't."

"She was the first to cry," Grace revealed, picking at her finger to avoid Emma's impending glare.

As predicted, Emma glared at Grace. "At least I didn't beg. I was graceful."

Second Life: Book 1 (GxG)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ