Chapter 3

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Emma called in the incident and within no time, they made preparations to dispose of the body. She checked in with Harvey when everything was over and she was back in the comfort of her own apartment. It was already past midnight, and she desperately needed some sleep.

"How's she?" he asked immediately.

"Jeez! Thanks for asking how I'm doing. She's fine, sir."

He sighed. "How are you?"

Emma shrugged. "Well, I killed her ex-girlfriend and just cleaned up the scene as if nothing happened. I'm fucking great."

"Emma, I wouldn't have given you the job if I didn't think you were the right agent for it."

"I know," she breathed, her fingers caressing the bridge of her nose. "It's just... I don't know-"

"You did what you had to, Emma. Now tell me more about this ex-girlfriend."

Emma didn't respond, the small beep on her monitors stealing her attention. She checked the cameras at Sierra's apartment and saw someone climbing through Sierra's bedroom window. "Sir, I'm going to have to call you back."

"Emma, the ex-"

She threw off the earpiece and grabbed her gun, shoving it into the waist of her pyjamas. Before she could turn away from the monitors, Sierra came into view, walking up to the person dressed in a black hoodie. Sierra reached out to them, pulling the person into her and wrapping her arms around them. She dipped her head and placed a gentle kiss against their lips, then pulled back with a smile, zipping the hoody down to reveal the brunette from the coffee shop.

Emma watched, her interest peaking with every passing second. After removing her garment, the woman's eyes flickered to where Emma's hidden camera was and her lips twitched into a smile. Emma's breath caught for a second as the thought of Grace noticing the cameras plagued her mind. But just as quickly as Grace's gaze had flickered towards it, it had been placed on Sierra, throwing off Emma's theory. 

Maybe she didn't notice the camera after all.

She reached for Sierra again and they bonded into an intense make-out session that soon had clothes flying all over the place. Realisation dawned on Emma, and she flushed looking away as she shut the monitor off. Curious thoughts attacked her that she pushed away to watch the remaining monitors, making sure there were no other intruders for the night.


Emilie stayed focused on the specimens before her, her eyes studying each one as she documented her finds. Although the door to her lab opened, she didn't look up. Somehow, she knew exactly who it was. His footsteps were heavy against the concrete floor and accompanied by lighter, much faster ones.

Emilie looked up to greet the stranger, her eyes locking with a pair of turquoise eyes belonging to the blonde next to Harvey. She wore skinny jeans and a blue sweater that matched the colour of her eyes. In her hand, she clutched a stack of books and a glittery pink pen. Short blonde hair outlined a firm jaw that relaxed into a shy smile at the sight of Emma.

"Agent LaRue,"

"S-sir?" Emma forced herself to look at her captain, but the task proved impossible. Her eyes stayed glued to the blonde, her heart galloping in her chest suddenly.

"Emilie," Harvey tried again, this time demanding she look at him.

She forcefully pulled her eyes away, meeting his blue ones. They were something to look at but not as show-stopping as the girl beside him. Emilie swallowed, trying to suppress the urge to look at the girl again. "Captain,"

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