"Where do these turned-zombies came from? They were too many." Shura was tired but still fighting.

"You're right, Milady." Hades said and sliced the zombies who tired to attack him.He got near to Shura to protect her.

"This is an endless fight." Shiro was exhausted and can't fight anymore.

"Oh noh! Pri- iZiro is losing his strength, you know." Tasuke said when he noticed Ziro's condition.

Shura looked at Ziro immediately. Ziro was so paled, exhausted and his black eyes turned to red and suddenly kneel to the ground. Tasuke and Romeo immediately come to his aid. Juliet began to use her power to protect them.

"We need to go back. Let's go." Rage started to burn those zombies who got who block their way to the safe house.


Shura knew what to do to help Ziro. They went to a corner of the place where no one around. Shura started to pulled her sleeve up but Ziro stopped her.

"You knew I don't drink there." Ziro was panting. His eyes is so red and his fangs started to show up.

Shura knew where he wanted to bite.

"Okey.." Shura tilted her head to the side to expose her neck to him. She started to blush when she noticed Ziro gulped.

When Ziro started to get near to her neck, she gasped and closed her eyes nervously.

Ziro suddenly smiled.

"Don't worry, Princess. I would try my best not to hurt you." Ziro whispered and touched her neck which made Shura trembled not to fear but to something that he makes her feel.

Ziro bit her slowly and hugged her while drinking her blood. Shura hugged him back while biting her lower lip to stop herself not to scream but her moan because of the pleasure he gave to her.

"Hmm, I don't want him to stop. I like this feeling.Was I addicted to this? Is blood taste really good?" She thought.

As she fell asleep, Ziro pulled out his fangs and started to lick the bite mark. And started to feel that his strength is back. He noticed that she was asleep. He let her sleep in his arm. He started to watch her sleep. As he was looking at her, he suddenly smiled.

ZOMBIES VS. VAMPIRE (BOOK ONE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon