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Disciplina (Latin): Verb, meaning learning

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Disciplina (Latin): Verb, meaning learning.

The weeks pass by quicker than she'd ever imagined as they prepare to go back to school. They spend as much time together as they possibly can, both praying that some sort of bond will appear so that they can stop worrying that they're going to be miserable for the rest of their lives.

Regulus plays piano for her late into the night, long after her head has lulled onto his shoulder and she's fast asleep.

She sits with him in the library, reading most of the day until one or both of them are forced to do something.

He goes to several more death eater meetings, and he sleeps in late every day after as he wonders what he's being forced to become.

She sings to herself in the shower, and he hums along in the other room, distracting himself with her voice as he sits at her desk and writes letters.

Before either of them know it, they're packing up their things for school and taking the knight bus to the train station.

Regulus offers her his arm as they enter the platform. He waves down one of his friends quickly, not seeming to realize that he's one of many slytherins to act as though she's garbage. More often than not, slytherins stick together, but there are always those few outliers that enjoy stirring up trouble.

Marcus Nott is one of them.

Regulus is one of them.

Marcus strolls up to them leisurely, clapping his friend on the back. "I didn't know you'd be arriving with the ball and chain." He said rudely, sending her a smirk. "Though she certainly is quite the arm candy."

She only glares at him as Regulus frowns, shaking his head. He doesn't say anything to the boy, though she hadn't actually been expecting him to, given that he never had before.

She doesn't actually expect much from Regulus. He isn't someone she actually wants to be with, and for good reason too. You can try to force a relationship all you want, but she and Regulus haven't even managed to get past being acquaintances who are forced to think about a future together.

She isn't quite expecting it when a pair of hands snake around her face to cover up her eyes, though she isn't surprised when she catches sight of the piece of red string tied to the middle finger of the person. She yanks her hand off of Regulus's arm immediately, turning in the arms of her friend and pulling the girl into a tight hug.

Pandora Ollivander is one of very few people that Mala can claim she loves with her whole heart. The girl is amazing, truly, and since she's a part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, no one can say anything bad about their friendship.

The Ravenclaw girl holds onto her for a long while before releasing her, placing her hands on either side of her friend's face and looking her over. "Merlin, Mal, your energy is absolutely awful. Has your brother been acting up again? I swear, if he—."

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