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We have been driving for a little and me and Max were looking out of the back window, next thing Lucas sits next to us, we take our headphones off

"So I've been thinking, two of the three of Vecna's victims were seeing Ms Kelley, right?" Lucas started, me and Max nodded "Okay. So I figure there's a good chance Vecna cursed another one of her students. We go back to her office. We read all of her files. We look for mentions of headaches, nosebleeds, nightmares. We identify his most likely next victim."

"Lucas." Max said

"We stand out his house-" Lucas said before getting cut off

"Lucas, stop." I said

"We don't have time for any of that, okay?" Max said "And even if we did, even if our plan did work, we'd be putting a total stranger at risk. A stranger who has no idea what they're up against."

"We do. He uses memories against us. But only bad memories. Same with Chrissy and Fred, right?" I said

"Right." Lucas said

"It's like he only sees the darkness in us." I carried on

"So, I'll run in the opposite direction. Run to the light. And maybe he won't be able to find me there." Max said

"Now, how exactly do you plan on doing this?" Lucas asked Max

"I'm not sure." Max started "But it's my mind. Not his, right? So I should be able to control where I am. I just need to...push him away. Find a happy memory and hide there. Hide in the light."

"You got a memory in mind?" Lucas questioned

"Yeah." Max nodded "It was a time when I was the happiest."

"Was I there?" Lucas asked

"That's presumptuous of you." Max smiled, Lucas chuckled "But yeah. You might've been there."

"Okay but the second you start to lift, we're calling in Kate Bush. Right Rory?" Lucas said

"Yeah." I answered

"Alright?" Lucas said to Max

"Okay." Max agreed "Deal."

"Deal." Lucas said

We got to The War Zone, I decided to stay in the van with Dustin, Lucas and Eddie

"Ror? You okay? You look nervous." Dustin asked me as I was biting my nails and bouncing my leg

"What? Yeah, I'm fine." I said looking up at him and smiling, he moves next to me

"What's wrong?" He whispered to me

"I'm scared. About Max, like, she's not gone through this before, and she's risking her life." I whispered back biting my nails again, Dustin moves my hand away from my mouth and held it

"She's going to be fine. Take her Walkman, play her song when she starts the rise." Dustin reassured

"Okay." I smiled, he smiled back, he looked at his watch

"What the hell is taking them so long?" Dustin asked standing up and pacing the little room, then the door opened

"What happened?" Lucas panicked

"Gotta go." Steve said getting into the drivers seat

"Your old friends are here." Erica said getting into the van

"Shit!" Lucas said, then we drove off

After a while, we park by some grass and start making things, well, Dustin and Eddie start making shields and Erica and Lucas start making Spears, Max helps Nancy cut her gun, Steve and Robin were boring something into bottles, I sit next to Dustin while he made his shield, Eddie stands up and uses his shield

"How's she feeling?" Dustin asked him

"Light. But durable. Deadly. But reliable." Eddie answered messing around with it "Hear me now. There will be no more retreating..." He said dramatically "From Eddie the Banished" He spoke normally

"Hey, you're really ready for bat-tle." Dustin joked, Eddie looked confused "You get it? Bat-tle. B-A-T. No? I thought I had a good one."

Eddie and Dustin put their shields down, Eddie leaped onto Dustin and they moved back, then they started playing like brothers

"No wedgies! No wedgies!" I hear Dustin yell, then they stop messing around

"Never change. Dustin Henderson. Promise me?" Eddie told Dustin

"Wasn't planing on it." Dustin told Eddie

"Good. Good." Eddie said

"Good." Dustin chuckles

"Hey, Sinclair's. How those, uh...spears coming on?" Eddie yelled to them, Lucas put his thumb up "Rory. Rory. Rory."

"Yeah?" I asked standing up dusting myself off

"You have to promise me, that you, Rory Hargrove, will never change." Eddie said to me "I mean, we haven't known each other for that long, but you seem cool, so never change."

"I won't." I said

"You have to promise. Like Dustin." Eddie said seriously

"I promise." I smiled

"Good." Eddie said before lifting me up and putting me over his shoulder and running around

"No! Eddie!" I screamed "Put me down!"

"I'll throw you into the grass!" He chuckled

"No!" I screamed again, Eddie spins around quickly, laughing at me screaming, he stops spinning and puts me down and puts his hands on my shoulders and smiles

"Your cool, Hargrove."

"I guess, your cool, Munson."

"You guess?" Eddie said putting his hand on his heart and falling back "That is rude."

"I just mean, your not what I expected, like I expected you to be mean and shit, but your actually, nice." I said to him helping him up

"And cool?" Eddie asked as Lucas and Erica walked down to us with the spears

"And cool." I chuckled, we all messed around before it was time to go.

I sit at the back with, Eddie, Dustin and Robin, we get to Creel House and Steve parks outside "Be safe." Dustin whispered to me kissing my cheek as a stood up

"We will." I whispered back

"Come out alive, all of you." Robin said as we stood up

Me, Erica, Lucas and Max got out of the van, and looked at Creel house before walking to the door, before we walked inside we took our shoes off so it would be quiet, we all looked around into different rooms to find where Vecna was, Lucas went to get max and Erica came to get me, we all went to the room Erica round him in, Max went to Erica's lantern and her's got brighter, Erica wrote on her pad 'Phase one?' Lucas nodded

Erica went outside and across the road to the playground, she climbed on the rocket thing as I looked what she was doing through the boreds on the window, once she was set, I sat down and watched Lucas and Max communicate and set a date for Friday, to watch a movie, we then saw a flashing light, so we got up and flashed our flashlight and moved onto phase two; distracting Vecna.

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