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The door unlocks and opens and a girl walks in with blood coming from her nose, she as black eyeshadow around her eyes, everyone looks at her in disbelief, she smiles as soon as she see Mike

"Mike. Mike!" She says before hugging him

"Is that..?" I hear Max whisper and Lucas nods

"I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for-" Mike started

"353 days." Eleven finished "I heard."

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" Mike asked concerned

"Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper said, Mike turned around "The hell is this? Where have you been?"

"Where have you been?" El said to Hopper, he hugged her

"You've been hiding her. You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike yelled pushing Hopper

"Hey! Let's talk. Alone." Hopper said before taking Mike to a different room, we heard Mike shouting from the other room, I felt bad for him, but Dustin and Lucas hugged El

"We missed you." Lucas said to her

"I missed you, too." El said

"We talked about you pretty much everyday." Dustin said before they released the hug, El puts her thumb on Dustin's teeth

"Teeth." She says

"What?" Dustin asked confused

"You have teeth." El said

"Oh. You mean these pearls?" He said before purring

"Eleven?" Max said stepping forward "Hey. Um, I'm Max, and that's my sister, Rory, we've heard a lot about you." But El ignored her and hugged Mrs Byers, and she took him to Will.

After about 30 minutes, they knew what they had to do to help Will

"It's not like it was before. It's grown." Hopper explained to us "A lot. And, I mean, that's considering we can get in there. That place is crawling with those dogs."

"Demo-dogs" Dustin corrected

"I'm sorry, what?" Hopper sighed

"I said, uh, Demo-dogs. Like Demogorgan and dogs. Put them together it sounds pretty badass-" Dustin explained

"How is this important right now?" Hooper cut Dustin off

"It's not. I'm sorry." Dustin apologised

"I can do it." Eleven said looking up from the table

"Your not hearing me." Hopper said to her

"I'm hearing you. I can do it." El said

"Even if El can, there's still another problem. If the brain dies, the body dies." Mike said

"I thought that was the whole point?" I said

"It is, but if we're really right about this...I mean, if El closes the gate and kills the minds flayer's army.." Mike said to me

"Wills apart of that army." Lucas realised

"Closing the gate will kill him." Mike spoke

We walked to Wills room

"He likes it cold" Mrs Byers said

"What?" Hopper asked confused

"It's what will kept saying to me. He likes it cold" Mrs Byers said closing the window "We keep giving it what it wants."

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