grave danger

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(This is based of the csi episode and I am going of interpretation and what I could find, so bear with this)

Tarn: this a world similar to the previous world but you just try to solve murders, but this is going to be important as it involves one of you being in a life or death situation

Reinhard: how bad is this situation?

Tarn: you'll have to watch and see

We see Garfield and Subaru walking down a hall

Garfield: I'm heading down to the crime scene, to see if anything was missed

Subaru: [nods] need backup?

Garfield: no thanks, I'll be quick


We see Garfield at a warehouse looking around

Garfield: okay, let's see what we got

Just then a sound can be heard, Garfield looks around, until someone come up from behind and puts a cloth on his mouth

Otto: Garfield is the one captured

Garfield: HA, I'd like to see someone try that to me right now

Federica: Garfield, you're being kidnapped right now

Garfield: oh


We see Federica looking around in a hall, until she finds Subaru walking

Federica: Subaru!

Federica runs up to Subaru, who turns around to see her

Subaru: what?

Federica: where's Garfield!?

Subaru: he said he was going to the crime scene, why?

Federica: me and ram we're there and we found Garfield's car and this, inside of it

Federica holds up a keset, as Subaru looks skeptical

Subaru: gather everybody

A few minutes later we see Ram, Otto, Federica, Reinhard and Julius, as Subaru is putting in the keset

Reinhard: so you, two found this inside Garfield's car?

Federica: along with his phone and gun

Subaru: what about his backup?

Ram: as far as we can tell garf still has it on him

As a video plays showing Garfield in a box made of glass, as he is struggling and screaming

Julius: oh spirits!

Otto: what is he in?

Subaru: judging by the tight space, I'd say a box, looks like glass

We hear Garfield screaming and moving like crazy

Rem: how bad it this?

Tarn: bad

Reinhard: what is the possibility of him dying?

Tarn: that depends if you can find him, or not


We see Garfield wakeing up in the box with a glow stick, as he trys to move, noticing that he is in a tight space

Garfield: what the hell is going on?

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