decendent of Belmont

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Tarn: now we will see a world of great loss

Rem: who?

Tarn: most of the camp is killed

Emilia: how!?

Tarn: a being of darkness and evil summoned demonic creatures and began slaughtering innocent people, a lot of innocent blood was spilled including most of your camp with only a handful surviving   now they fight to kill that man

Reinhard: what is his name?

Tarn: Dracula

Reinhard's eyes widen

Tarn: now with the Crush camp and the knowledge of Subaru's bloodline, they fight to kill Dracula and defeat his army. Now let's begin

Julius: his bloodline?

Tarn: yes in this world Subaru is a decendent of the Belmonts, powerful monster hunter's

We see a little girl running through a forest, as she is being chased by a creature that could only be described as a demon, she keeps running until she trips on a large root. The demon stands over the girl, and holds her down

Girl: [sobbing] no no please no!

Wilhelm: these creatures are monsters

Tarn: yes they are

As the demon is about to kill the girl a sword pierces its chest

???: oi demon you don't belong here, it's time for you to go back to hell where you belong

As a man with black hair appears from the shadows

Rem: Subaru

Garfield: Captain looks older

(A/n Subaru is 1 year older than Crush in this world)

The man now revealed Subaru Natsuki with a whip in hand run toward the demon and Tackles it into a ditch, grabbing the sword from the chest of the demon then proceeding to stab repeatedly and keeps stabbing it

Otto: does this Subaru seem a bit more violent then most

Wilhelm: vengeance can greatly affect a man

Otto: you have had experience in wanting revenge?

Wilhelm: I have, the white whale killed my wife theresia I spent so long wanting nothing more than to kill it

Otto: I'm sorry that happened to you

Wilhelm: it's alright, I finally took my revenge thanks to Subaru

After Subaru finally stopped stabbing the demon, he got up and walked toward the girl

Subaru: you Alright Petra?

Garfield gives a sigh of relief

Federica hug Petra close

Petra smiles still tearing up

Petra: yes

Subaru kneels down and hugs Petra

Subaru: it's alright, I'm here

Petra starts crying, as footsteps can be heard running toward them

???: hey captain is she alright

Subaru: she's fine Garfield, let's go

Subaru picks Petra up, as the 3 are walking Subaru starts a conversation

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